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Is it too late to neuter?


Forum Donator 2023/24
Jul 26, 2019
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My boys are around 4ish now and I keep thinking about how I should’ve done this well over a year ago. I’ve talked myself out of doing it so many times out of fear of something going wrong. My main vet was honest and said they don’t really have much experience with neutering Guinea pigs but a forum member gave me a vet with experience that’s about an hour away. I’m just wondering if I’ve left it too late :( I know they’re not getting any younger and I need to prepare for the future, I just haven’t been able to go through with it. I feel awful for this and if it isn’t too late I’m going to push through with it in the next couple of months
I would personally think that in general terms it's not too late. It's less invasive than spaying sows, but other members have had sows successfully spayed at 5 or 6 years old in emergency. It's possibly not the optimum age for neutering, but provided they are fit healthy and active, and the vet is experienced, I think they should be ok.

However I'm not a medical expert, so best wait and see what some of the medical advisors say...
Thank you for your replies, I’ll look into getting them done at the vet recommended to me in the next month or two depending on finances. The unexpected emergency appointments set me back just a little more than expected! I don’t feel normal being so afraid of them having it done, they are my first pair of piggies and neither of them have needed surgery so that may be why, going to be a first time for me and I’m worried sick about it… does need to be done though!
Why do you feel that your boys need to be neutered at that age?
I know that some rescues in Austria neuter males of all ages and with an experienced vet the risk isn't high, but older boars should always be checked through by the vet before the operation. And sometimes a boar can be classified as too old if the vet isn't comfortable due to medical reasons.
Why do you feel that your boys need to be neutered at that age?
I know that some rescues in Austria neuter males of all ages and with an experienced vet the risk isn't high, but older boars should always be checked through by the vet before the operation. And sometimes a boar can be classified as too old if the vet isn't comfortable due to medical reasons.
I feel they need to be neutered so whoever gets left behind when one leaves for the bridge has lots of bonding options instead of only boars
I feel they need to be neutered so whoever gets left behind when one leaves for the bridge has lots of bonding options instead of only boars
This is the reason I neuter all boars, before rehoming, even if they go out as a bonded pair of boars. Also, I can rest assured that they won’t ever be used for breeding.
Feeling very reassured and will make plans to go ahead with this. Still very nerve racking for me but it needs to be done for my little ones :)
As long as the vet is very experienced in carrying out guinea pig castration, the op should go smoothly.
I feel they need to be neutered so whoever gets left behind when one leaves for the bridge has lots of bonding options instead of only boars
That’s why we got Ted neutered after Bill died. As long as your vet has plenty of experience (and success more importantly) they are healthy, then I think you are rightly planning ahead x
I feel they need to be neutered so whoever gets left behind when one leaves for the bridge has lots of bonding options instead of only boars
That’s such a sensible idea for future proofing. And I agree - I don’t think they are too old either x