Is it too late to add a 3rd boar?


New Born Pup
Mar 31, 2024
Reaction score
North Wales UK
We have 2 boars - brothers 12 weeks old - we have had them 2 weeks (we thought they were girls & just found out otherwise)
The original plan was to have 3 females & 1 neutered boar - obviously that’s gone out of the window. Would it be too late to add another boar? The lady we got them from has loads living together in her garden (16 I think) & one of hers had another litter - 2 girls & a boy - they are 8 weeks old tomorrow & ready to leave Mum. Would the baby boy bond with our 2 being as there’s only 4 weeks age difference & until 2 weeks ago ours lived with the same piggy heard?
We would recommend that you do not attempt it as the chances of three boars together working long term are very low. It usually ends with fights and separated piggies sooner or later. It doesn’t matter whether they already knew each other or what age they are. They find it very hard to form a functioning hierarchy as a trio and boars pretty much only work in pairs.
The space requirements to attempt it are also rather large - around 3 metres by 1 metre minimum enclosure size would be needed - but even with a big enough space it won’t make any difference to their compatibility.

Very occasionally somebody will get lucky with a boar trio but they are in the minority, and come about because the boars are very laid back and have chosen each other.
Even if they get on ok as babies, the chances are when they hit 4-6 months old and hormones kick in then that is when the fights start to occur. Most boar trios do not make it successfully to adulthood.
You would then find yourself having to separate them. Sometimes adding a third can also break down the relationship between the original two, meaning you run the risk of having three piggies separated piggies.
Of course you can choose to attempt it if you wish but we would want you to be aware that you would need several alternative plans as the fights and fall outs are more of a certainty than it working.

If you do want more piggies, then you would need to get another two boars to form a second pair and keep them in an entirely separate cage and never let the four physically interact in the same space.

Adding More Guinea Pigs Or Merging Pairs – What Works And What Not?

(Is it just the wording or does she really have one large herd of mixed sexes together? Baby boars need separating from their mothers and all other sows when they are 3 weeks old as that is when they become fertile)
I originally wanted females so I could have more but have discovered that a bonded pair of boars are delightful and entertaining to live with, especially as they get a little older. Mine are very silly, soppy and love cuddles and lap time. I know that a lot of other boar slaves feel the same.
We love our boys(despite their antics), and wouldn’t have it any other way.
They are very cheeky and full of character. Our little OAP Hamish has decided he likes a little cuddle in his old age.
Enjoy spending time with your boys.
When I added Ben after Finn and Bear were bonded, there was a fight drawing blood. Ben is close by but in a separate cage.
I wouldn't put 3 boys to live together in one place. I don't believe 3 boys can live harmoniously.