I have two female guinea pigs who are both currently outside, they have a hutch and a run I put them in in the daytime. I live in the UK and it is 25-27 degrees celsius (77-81 degrees Fahrenheit) today, I noticed one of my guinea pigs was breathing quickly and lying down a lot and I was worried and put them inside their hutch. I had a shaded area in the run that my guinea pigs were staying in, a water bottle and a dish to drink out of and an ice pack wrapped in a tea towel so they could keep cool. My other guinea pig seemed to be behaving normally. However, the other one was lying down underneath the hidies very stretched out. The guinea pig in question has always breathed kind of quickly and there was no sound when she did breathe, she didn't feel hot to the touch either (sorry if that isn't relevant) I was wondering if I should put them inside? Or if they are good to still be in there hutch/run. Thank you!