Is it time to split them up!

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Teenage Guinea Pig
Jul 7, 2009
Reaction score
East Yorkshire
Hi all,

Just looking for a bit of advise pls. sry if it's a bit long.

I have 3 pairs of boars, my middle pair, are both hitting 6 months old, I got them from a rescue about 6/7 weeks ago and all has been well until the last few days.

They had a lice and easy bath on Tuesday, and then were put into a brand new triple hutch, in the middle, there were a few rumblings the first night, then thay went out in the run as normal, but when I brought them in to groom last night I noticed that Woody my Sheltie x has a few little wounds on him, I treated them with Johnsons Tea Tree cream. I'm in the process of eradicating running lice in the pair so am not sure if they're scratch marks or bite marks.

However when they were put back into the hutch, with a great big pile of hay and veggies to distract, they were terrible, but settled down eventually into their beds, so I left them to it. This morning there were no new marks on Woody, so I treated his wounds again ( healing nicely) and put some cream on them both so they have the same smell on them, put them out in the run and they were back to chasing, yawning, snorting, stamping of feet. There is no mounting going on though just a lot of aggresion from the more dominant Spike.

I think I've upset the dynamics of the boars by bringing into the household a new pair, Peanut and Pod, and my older boars were very unsettled for a couple of days when I first brought in Woody and Spike so I'm hoping it all settles in the next few days. I really don't want to split them but do have their older hutch all ready just in case.
I'm sorry things arent going to well,
if i was you i would bathe both boars,introduce on neutral ground with no other boar scent and once they have started to bond after a few sessions if all goes ok then give the hutch a complete clean before putting them in together xxxxxxxxx
Being moved ot new surroundings can set them off as well; especially at their age!

I would recommend to monitor them and see whether they'll settle down again. It may take a bit of time, but as long as there are no new bite marks you should be OK.
Thanks for the reply, I did only bath them both together 2 days ago, and thought that by putting them into a new hutch they would settle quite quickly, how wrong I was! I'm tempted to put them both back in their old hutch and see what they do before I take further action.

They were bathed just after I got them and I didn't have all this trouble then lol, i suppose boys will be boys, I do think they're worse than toddlers.
I would just let them get on with it and not intercede too much right now; then you'll have the best chance at having them settling down again. another move might just spark them off again!
Agree with what's been said. At first every time I cleaned my boys cage out, and re arranged their furniture, they had to establish who was boss, it was a nightmare. But it was all quickly over. Hopefully they will work through it. xx
They're out in their run and will be till I get home from work, that way Woody has plenty of space to get away, and I've added a few obstacles in the form of flower pots and toilet rolls stuffed with hay and some smaller primark bags. When I left he was perched on top of the little wooden house with Spike circling him. They are the only boys out in the garden today and will probably have a shower if it rains, which might dampen them down a bit.mallethead

They've been having mad chases and then flopping down, too tired. I'll give them the once over when I get home, and I'll leave their bedding for tonight and fill the hutch with hay. For all the time I've had my older boys they've never actually fought like these 2 have been.

I'm a bit worried that I'll have to go through it all again when they have their second lice and easy bath next week.pow-pow

They are such lovely cuddly boys though, when they were curled up together on my knee last night, you wouldn't believe them capable of scrapping like toddlers.
It was probably more the move than the bath; but once you've triggered the hormones, they have to work them out.

Lots of space should hopefully do the trick! :))
Well thanks for all the help and advise yesterday, I think I have 2 very hormonal boys at the moment.{:|

They've been left in today and do seem to of settled down a bit thank goodness! They're still having the occasional squabble but nothing like it has been over the last few days, while they're going through a bad patch I have a specific set of clothes/ towels etc just for them, so they're not getting upset smelling the other boys. LOL thought I'd only have to do that if I brought girlies in.

They're booked in the vets for a checkover tommorrow, I am still a bit concerned about Woody's wounds on his back, and he's had his ear torn a little bit 8... although they do look to be healing nicely, it never hurts to be cautious. Just hope it doesn't set them off again.
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