Is it time to seperate?

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Tommies Mam

Adult Guinea Pig
Sep 12, 2007
Reaction score
Tyne and Wear
I posted a short while ago about the problems that I have been having with Tommy and Sparky,

They semed to have settled down since I put them in a slightly bigger cage there still has been the occasional argument but no signs of fighting however this evening I have noticed that Sparky has three small wounds on his nose obviously cased by Tommy and I am wondering is it now time to seperate them?
Do they rumble at each other?

Face wounds are quite common when pigs fight, check the back end too as this is the other place I've found the bites happen. They might sort it out themselves, but they might also fight more and cause some real damage - it's a bit of a risk! I didn't split mine in time and they had an awful fight and ended up at the vets - not good!

Also if one is being bullied it might not be getting as much food etc.

I sat and watched them tonight and its seems like Sparky is almost scared of Tommy, the minute Tommy goes near Sparky Sparky runs, and if Sparky goes near Tommy Tommy rumbles at him and is quite threatening, Spark approaches Tommy so cautiously.

If I do have to seperate them I am hoping tht Sparky will bond with Harry as Sparky really needs some company and secondly I don't have space for three cages. Tommy is obviously doing the rumbling and threatenng Sparky just wanders off.

There is no other injuries on him but he seems to have a sore spot on his hip but no obvious injury
Have just dumped Sparky in Harrys cage and there has been no rumbling or anything there has been some dominence stuff, Harry has tried to mount him but so far so good will watch them very carefully.
Thanks Graham I am keeping a close eye on them they have met a few times before on nuetral ground and I gave them 10 minutes together before I popped him in his cage, they have had playtime together I not sure that I am going the right way around it though.
Had to seperate, they got on fine but Tommy got horrendously distressed by the lack of his presence that in turn distressed Sparky

Boars, I give up!

I think I will get some C and C grids and half the cage but to give them some space I will hang their beds from the roof.
i would get what everyone here calls a three tier cage what ever this is which can easily be divided appartently. otherwise do what we have done and use a cooling rack to half up a cage with our girls. if anyone could tell me what a three tier cage is i'd appreciate it. good like with your little fighting furball babies. hugs and cuddles to you and your babies. :smitten: :) :) :smitten:
Thank you for your advise I have place two c and c grids in the middle of the cage so they can see and smell each other but cant get to each other
Damonshumanslave said:
A 3 tiered cage is a cage with 3 floors!

But I don't think thats the answer anyway as they won't be able to see each other.
I have 8 boars in 4 pairs and only ever separated one pair. They fought seriously and though no injuries resulted, they would have done so I literally threw the towel in.
Two of my pairs occasionally have a scrap and Timmy drew a little blood from Sunny. I separated them for 20 minutes and in that time Timmy was already pining for his cagemate and chewing the bars so I let them together again. There is rumbling and occasional teeth chattering but as I am here a lot, I distract Timmy when that happens. I used to get stressed by them but not now. I think they can sense it!
Boars do need to re establish dominance every now and then and unless it gets ugly, I wont separate.
This is just my personal experience and may help you decide what is best :)
Tommy is going through adolesence and was constantly bullying Sparky he never had 5 minutes peace they have settle since using the c an c grids they can still se each other talk to each other smell each but Sparky is much more settled they still get playtime together and I am hoping to try and rebond them in the future when Tommy settles Tommy was devasted when I moved Sparky
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