Helloo Chrissy!
I know what your going through, both my boys are seven months and their hormones have well and truely kicked in, some days their best buddies and snuggling up together...others its teeth chattering and nose offs!
Boars go through their teen stage between 12 weeks to a year so you've got a few more months left before things settle down, firstly have you read this thread on Boar Dominance so you know what signs to look for before their is a serious fight?
I'd reccommend this thread to every Boar owner!
Secondly do you own sows? If so make sure you firstly,make sure the sows are not in sight or sound of the boys, and wash your hands before handling your boars, or even see to your boars before you see to your females.
Teeth chattering is okay, as long as it's quiet and not loud (this means they're aggrivated by one another if it is loud)
But the pouncing doesn't sound good though, I'd suggest seperating them by a mesh divider so they can still see each other for a couple of hours so they can have a 'cool off' period just to calm down, and see how this goes.
Also have you checked the group over to make sure their isn't any wounds on the face, neck or chest? I'd suggest taking your piggie to the vet who has scabs on his back just to check and make sure they're not infected, and you can also check that he hasn't got a skin condition, some skin problems can pass from one pig to another.
Another point is, have you got enough space for four boars to live happily together? Tentions can run high when boars are confined to a limit amount of room, my two boys have a huge 6x4 shed to themselves, and a double 5x2 hutch and they still have room to argue
! Typical boys!
If you do have enough room:
I'd suggest giving them plenty (or oodles amount!) of hay as this can distract them from arguing, put their pellet food in five seperate bowls around the cage (not all in one area) and during veggie time scatter the veggies around the cage so they aren't squabbling over one big pile.
Another point is have you got plenty of hideys and hideys with two exits/entrances? If you have four boars I'd suggest five hideys, esp with two exits! Hideys provide piggies a place to escape to, and get some peace, but two exits are a must so the 'underpiggie' doesn't become bullied into one corner.
If your boys don't have alot of room, can you split them into groups of two? You can put the two groups in seperate cages but aside one another so they still can have a natter to one another. Try and fit personalities together, ie...a 'bossy', confident boar who wants to be boss with a relaxed, not bothered to be boss boar
Hope this helps sorry it's very long, and your boys calm down soon.
Laura xx