Is it suitable to add another pig to the situation?

Apr 23, 2023
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Very sadly my guinea pig Roger passed away last afternoon, he made it till exactly three years and had the best time being the cheeky pig he was, I am devastated about his passing but grateful he did not suffer very long.
I am now left with Roger's brother, Roland (M), and my quite recently rescued piggle, Nugget (M). Roland is now three and Nugget's age in unknown, but I suspect he is about one or two years old. Roger and Roland lived in a pen together and Nugget had been their bar buddy in a smaller cage for quite some time with no issues. After Rogers passing I let them both see his resting body for a few hours, so they could understand. They both inspected it and seemed to return to normal behaviour. Last afternoon, I opened the gate between Roland's and Nugget's pens to let them interact and carefully observed. Feeling that there were no dangerous hostilities I left them together overnight. They have plenty of space now in a 3x6 C&C cage. I checked on them this morning and nothing was out of order. I'm going to continue letting them interact and share the huge combined pen for a week, unless I see any hostilities (which I think is unlikely). Then I am going to reduce the cage size to a 3x4 grid. Is this a suitable course to take? Then, I would have a spare 2x3 cage, which I could expand slightly if necessary to accommodate two pigs. My question is, would it be wise and fair to my existing two to try and foster/ adopt another piggie, I know how many piggies in rescues there are that need a home, but I just don't know whether it is a good idea since a new piggie would have to be housed next to Roland and Nugget. I don't want to cause stress or anger for any pigs involved.

Thank you.
I’m sorry for your loss.

I’m glad Roland and Nugget are getting on ok. Do know though that you should not just open dividers between pens. Any bonding needs to be done on neutral territory. You then move the piggies to the cage they are to live in after a few hours if all is well on the neutral pen.
It then takes two weeks to fully establish their relationship.

It is absolutely fine for you to house another pair of boys next to them in a separate cage.
The cage must be expanded though, a 2x3 is not big enough for two piggies and definitely not for two boys - two boys need a 2x5.
Thank you for your reply, Roland and Nugget have been together on neutral territory before for every floor time (which is for about 30mins everyday) for nearly 4 months, they have always been fine during this so I think it's ok to put them together (but I will keep observing), they are both quite calm, Roger was the sassy piggie! I have more grids so can expand a spare cage after Nugget and Roland bond and settle, to accommodate a pair of boars. Again, thank you.
:agr: Boar bonding should be a one time only introduction in an entirely neutral space. They will need to accept each other and then establish dominance. Then it takes around 2 weeks to fully settle. Please do have a read of our bonding guides. These explain more about introductions and bonding.
Bonding and Interaction: Illustrated social behaviours and bonding dynamics
Dominance Behaviours In Guinea Pigs
A Comprehensive Guide to Guinea Pig Boars
Boars: Teenage, Bullying, Fighting, Fall-outs And What Next?
It does sound like they are going to be fine. Good on you for wanting to adopt more piggies.
Good luck with the should not stop the bonding.but see it through until a) that they get on without fights.b) only stop if bloody scratches are present or lock on furball more separation unless there are hostilities.
For future reference. I experienced my chilled, calm, zen boy turning into a raging hump monster during bonding. Took me totally by surprise, he was like a pig possessed!
Orange long haired piggie with the funny little quiff is Nugget, Mr Nuggles is his nickname. He's a really lovely pig, he was super skittish when we first rescued him but he is becoming tamer everyday! The fuzzy piggle with Dutch markings is Roland, or Roly Poly Pig for short! He's always been more subdued and always seems a bit baffled by the world, but is very friendly and gets impertinent if veg isn't on time! Lastly the smooth black and white piggle is Roger, who passed away, but will always be remembered for his cheeky antics, like moving his water bowl across his pen!


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