Is It Still Early Days?

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soo's piggies

New Born Pup
Aug 17, 2015
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Hi everyone, my guineas are now 9 was old and doing fine, taking food off me but I'm worried because they go in their hidey hole a lot they never stay out in the open. I have a 2x 4 c &PC cage in my living room so there is always something going on but we are always careful concerning my fur babies also I was thinking of getting a rescue to add to the herd as maybe security may come in numbers sorry I'm lying LOLi just want another piggeie, on a serious note is it early days yet I've had them two was , looking forward to your replies xx
Just looked through your posts quickly and have seen you have two male piggies. If you do end up getting another piggy, I wouldn't get a girl. Despite how close some boys can be, they'll usually fight over a female so I'd leave having a girl to prevent them breaking up. Boys generally need a lot of space to get away from each other during arguments, so it's possible you'll need to expand your 2x4 C&C later on even without anymore piggies added (the preferred minimum for two boys is usually a 2x5 or 2x6 from what I know). I'm not sure when it's the best time to introduce other piggies, so hopefully @Wiebke or someone else can answer :)

Also, it's expected for them to be in their hideys holes a lot at the moment because they're probably unsure about it all still. Not sure if your cage has a top/lid, but they'll soon get accustomed to being out in the open hopefully. You could try staying in the same room for a bit and wait for them to come out, possibly with a bowl of veg in the middle of their cage in the open. I'd sit down and not do anything, maybe hum or talk to them quietly without looking at them (especially into their eyes) to signal your presence isn't a threat to them. You could try draping a fleece over a corner of their cage, but leaving it a bit open so you can look at them. Would also keep the TV (if you have on) or anything else on low and prevent any sudden noises.
If you have 2 males, I wouldn't add any more piggies as you would be more than likely to have fights and a few seperated piggies which don't get on at all!
They probably feel safe in their hidey at the moment, it might be they need a little longer to adjust to their 'new' lives..
Have the got bits to do in their cage? Like tunnels, toilet tubes? Some fun bits to entice them out?
If you've had them 2 weeks it's still early days. They will come round soon enough, the suggestions given above are a good idea. Extra hideys/toys. I also agree pin a cover over a bit of their cage. I also agree 2 males is probably the maximum number of males I would advise unless you have lots of space for them and even then they may fall out and you will end up with 3 single boys.
Thank you guys. My boys do come out for meals n run around but i was concernd about them not feeling relaxed enough to lie in their cosies in the open but the one thing I'm taking on board is i wont be getting another piggie thank you for helping
I have 3 sets of two boars and a solo boar, the 3 sets are in 2x5 because they say it should be one grid bigger for a boar, the solo boar is in a 2x3 but we're going to upgrade him to a 2x4 just so he can do laps and whatever :) I also want to put a kitchen in the cages.

I have three sows, they are in a 2x5 set up also.

I would agree and wouldn't add a sow with the boys because it will probably end up in fighting, I know when one of our boars was hormonal he smelt the girls and really went off on one, wheeked so much he lost his voice so to speak and he was being a little aggressive with his cage mate which wasn't nice to watch. We move the girls away from him and he did settle down again.

In regards to hiding, it's sort of natural anyway, remember they are prey animals and ooo look at the size of them (us humans) so yeah I think I'd hide if someone as big as us was towering over them lol. Out of 10 of our guinea's I was say that 5 of them feel comfy enough to lay in the open even if you go near them.
Hi everyone, my guineas are now 9 was old and doing fine, taking food off me but I'm worried because they go in their hidey hole a lot they never stay out in the open. I have a 2x 4 c &PC cage in my living room so there is always something going on but we are always careful concerning my fur babies also I was thinking of getting a rescue to add to the herd as maybe security may come in numbers sorry I'm lying LOLi just want another piggeie, on a serious note is it early days yet I've had them two was , looking forward to your replies xx

It is great that you doing your research first before you are adding a piggy. it is always very tempting to add another to a happy pair.

Please be aware that trios are the most difficult constellation to get right without ending up with an outsider problem. As far as boars are concerned, three is a crowd. Sub-adult trios (as yours would be) have a fall-out rate of around 90% - at the worst you can end up with three single boys that won't go back together - and even with mostly adult trios, the success rate to achieve a balanced and stable personality mix is below 50%. When it comes to boars, our advice is to please think about getting a separate, preferably already stably bonded pair.

Sow trios can also easily suffer from a 2+1 constellation although they usually don't end up with fights, just with unhappiness. if you want to add more piggies, rather look for a neutered boar (who has to get on with both sows, but is a "natural" outsider due to his different status) or a younger, but well bonded pair of sows. This helps to avoid the outsider problem.

As with any single piggies or small groups, it is always best to date your existing guinea pigs under expert supervision at a good rescue, so you can be sure that they get on and that you have a secure and knowledgeable place to turn to if there problems.
Guinea Pig Rescue Centre Locator
International rescues in cooperation with Guinea Lynx: Guinea Lynx :: Rescue Organizations

Here are tips on how to settle in new piggies. They take quite some time to do so:

Which combination of guinea pigs works and which not:
Thank you all for your help, I've decided NOT to get another piggie as I don't want to upset what my two brothers have which is a close bond , without your advice I would have made a big mistake , once again thank you for taking the time to comment x
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