Is it possible ....

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Oct 4, 2007
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Ireland But I'm from Devon UK
that one of my sows is a big booby?
she is quite happy and lives with Rosie and her daughter angel but wheneva i hear noise its cuddle cups winging and moaning... thers no fighting she is just a winge... is this possible or should i be more concerned??
I wouldn't be too worried. I have a screamer. She squeals (somewhat like what some pigs do when they have an injection) if ANY of the others go into the pigloo at the same time as her (without attacking her), if anyone dares try to eat at the same bowl as her or if they try and take her food/push her out of the way of the water bottle. There is absolutely nothing wrong with her, she is fat and healthy but is a downright whinge. Several occasions I've heard her and thought she was being mauled/killed by the others but she was happily munching on hay... the others had just tried to join her.
ahhhh that sounds like my baby.... she is now happy sat on my lap licking my hand
She is a big girl and so funny but crys like a baby at least thing.... she is also my fav :smitten:


Pearl is a screamer, she'll wheek loudly and appears to cry at everything. I thought Fleur was bullying her the first time I heard it! Some are just more vocal!

Wish Eccles would scream like a girl he is the quietest of my lot. :smitten:
LOL so affectively she warns them off O0 that's better than scrapping with them ;D ;D ;D

ooooooooo swoooooooooooon i saw them...

PIGGIE LIPS ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*
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