Is It Possible Too 'potty Train' My Guineas?

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Adult Guinea Pig
May 30, 2014
Reaction score
Sutton in Ashfield, UK.
I've heard it is possible too potty train guinea pigs!

I thought it may be a helpful thing to do to help keep their cage even cleaner as all the mess will be in one area for me too easily clean daily :)

I was just wondering if it is possible too do? And the safest way too do it? As I don't want to cause my little guys unnecessary stress!

If you think it would cause too much stress on them, then I won't do it :) I just thought it would be nice for them too help keep the cage a little cleaner! :)

Thank you for your opinions in advance!
They can be and it's worth a try but be aware that some guinea pigs are just impossible to litter train! You need to buy a guinea pig litter tray, or it's best to get a cat litter tray then you can make it a hay corner as I find guinea pigs poo most where they eat. Then as often as you can move any poo/ soiled bedding into the litter box. Eventually they should realise that's where they are supposed to go but they still might not use it all the time.
You cannot fully potty train piggies. Their individual toiletting habits depend to a good extent on what kind of surroundings they were born in. No sense in being tidy when you live in muck everywhere!

That said, you can create toileting corners to draw a fair bit of the flak. The most favourite is a hay tray with an absorbent layer at the bottom that is located underneath a hay rack. For some reason, piggies like to munch when they are peeing! The second area where most piggies pee is in their sleeping area; with very few exceptions they don't control their bladder when asleep. I prefer to have an extra absorbent layer like a washable incontinence seat pat or puppy pads under the fleece where they sleep

There is very little you can about pooing. Guinea pigs have a very quick metabolism. they also live mainly on nutritionally poor food (up to 80% hay and grass) and therefore need to process a lot compared to their body size. A healthy piggy is a poo machine!
there is not
Yeah I agree with @gwinnypiggylove on this.
To see if your pigs will litter train you can buy cheap cat litter boxes in poundland. I have a blue one. They fit both of my boys but they prefer to be in it on their own. My boys did use theirs but I find that if they don't use them then they take loads of space up! U can get the poundland litter boxes in red, blue or grey. I have seen many pigs that are litter trained. I might re try it soon because Ik what u mean about the dirty cages...
I have a corner rabbit litter box under a huge hayrack. Thus no poops anywhere except there and as Weibke says in their sleep pods. I am lucky they do this saves alot of effort in cleaning up.
on the whole my piggies wee in their litter tray One group does mist of their poos in there as well.I find it a godsend as just have to sweep, change odd wet patch and empty litter trays Mine are on fleece in large c&c cages so most practical for me.I peg fleece over the cage above the litter trays and this encourages them as well
Just a little update! :)

I have a toilet in the corner of my piggies cage! And it seems too be working :) they are doing the majority of the business in there! But not all of it, there's some bits around the rest of the cage!:lol: But the cage in general is definitely cleaner from the poo! Hehe :)

Proud of my little guys!
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