Is It Possible To Tame Older Guinea Pigs?

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New Born Pup
Jun 4, 2015
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Hi all, I have some guinea pigs that I took from from a friend who cannot care for them any longer. I believe the guinea pigs are around 3 years old. Firstly, I'm certain they hate me. The pair of them do not like being touched or having people near them. They also don't take too well to being separated. One of them is more dominant and confident than the other and will very cautiously approach me for food whilst the other is quite reluctant to come near me, and will scamper off if I make any movement. Does anyone have any tips for making them more tame, and perhaps being comfortable enough with me to allow me to pick them up and pet them?

It's also worth noting that I have been looking after them for a year now, so they are familiar with me. In the early stages I tried only feeding them fruit and veg by hand in an attempt to make being around me a positive experience, but this didn't seem to work.
Hello and welcome to the forum!

Well done for taking on these guys! Don't worry, they won't hate you! If they've not had a lot of handling etc they will be scared and also unsettled in a new place. Give them time, that's the biggest thing with new and nervous piggies. Let them get used to you sitting by their cage at first and moving around their cage. Take time to learn what their favoured veggie treat is and offer it to them by hand, they will soon learn your hands mean tast things. Once they are comfortable with you being around then you can move into picking them up in their houses. Its all a gradual process which takes patience really.
Hi! It takes time and patience to bring piggies round, especially when they have never had much in the way of friendly interaction, but it is perfectly possible. Older piggies quickly realise the difference a good home makes and will be grateful for it.

Please read the links you have been given carefully; they explain what is going on and what you can do to slowly bring them out.
Aw, well done for taking them on, and I appreciate that after a year of looking after them it must be frustrating that they are not exactly "cuddly". They could have just got used to bobbling along by themselves with such little human contact in their past and become quite independent! Do persevere, they may not be demonstrative with their affection but don't worry.....they WON'T hate you;).
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