Is it possible for the roles between boys to be changed?

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Apr 30, 2012
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Bought our boy (5months) as a lone pig, few weeks later got him a friend who is about 2 months younger. Got on fine until last week when they had a fight. They were separated, then put back together a few hours later, cue more fights, so they have been put side by side in separate pens.

Original pig was the dominant one from the start. But new pig has started to rumblestrutt and wiggle his bum around. I have noticed that since new pig has been doing this fudge (original pig) who was doing this before, has stopped.

I'm guessing Toffee (new pig) has hit his teens and is testing boundaries. I am hoping to try and get them back together in a few weeks.

I'm not quite sure what to expect. Can it work? Will Fudge hand over the dominant role without too much of a fight? Anything I can do to make it smoother?

I'm worried that one isn't going to back down!
I can keep them side by side if it doesn't work but I would much rather they were together!
I don't know if its normal but my boars roles changed. Ludwig used to be the dominant but Gilbert got bigger and took the dominant role. Ludwig let him take it with no problems though.
Hmmm.. see Fudge seems to be giving up the rumbling through the bars, he seems to let toffee get on with it and he just squeaks at him (laughing maybe?:))but when i tried them back together he was still chasing Toff but instead of Toffee running away like he used to do he ran, then spun round and they started fighting.

They have been apart for about a week now, so i was thinking of a bath and then trying again soon. :S
If they aren't causing blood shed its usually best to let them stay together and sort the dominance out. It can be distressing watching but as long as it doesn't get too fierce it should be okay.
Yep I'm guessing hormones. Ones 5 months, other 3.

There was abit of blood which is why I separated them. Fudge has a bloody nose which is still healing, so once thats sorted I think I may try a bath and hopefully they can sort it out without to much damage.:{
My father and son paring recently fell out - they'd been together for over 2yrs! The only reason i knew something was up was because i heard a lo9t of teeth chattering - upon checking Homer (father) over i noticed an open wound on his face/cheek - i immediately separated them. Two days later i was at the vets as Homer's face was swollen - the vet shaved the area and found 3-4 bite wounds and not just the one that i discovered - needless to say, i was devastated that the only time i noticed something was wrong was when it was too late - i suspect they'd been fighting through the night when i was not around!

Thankfully after two weeks of antibiotics and daily draining of his abscess he is back to normal.

Honestly if blood has been drawn it's unlikely they will re-bond - not impossible, just unlikely!

I just dread to think what may have happened had i not taken the teeth chattering so seriously and checked my boys over - what if i had not of been around and a worse fight happened between the two? It's just not worth the risk in my opinion!

If you've got the space either keep them living side by side permanently or take them both boar dating so they can each find a friend of their own.
My OH would hit the roof if I 'acquired' two more piggies :))

I really don't think that I have the room for two cages/runs, so if I can't get them back together then they will be side by side, which actually seems to work quite well for them (they still seem happy, popcorning and talking through the bars!), so its a good plan B.
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