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is it ok to bath smelly boys?

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I'm very new to piggies (have had house bunnies for nearly 10 years) but we're currently fostering a couple of male guineas, their cage was in a complete state when they arrived,and they were both v smelly. I have of course scrubbed the cage out and thought that they'd start to smell a bit better, we're bedding them on newspaper, carefresh and hay - and we clean them out every other day bit 3 weeks on and they still stink. I assume its cos they're unneutered boys but can I bath them? will it help?

If so, what is the best way to do it and what shampoo is recommended?

I use the gorgeous guinea shampoo and its nice stuff. I use a shower hose to wet my piggies with warm water then i lather them up being careful round face and eyes. Then rinse with shower. Towel dry and use hair dryer. You can use a bit of swarfega on the boys scent glands at the back before had to losen up the grease.
I had 13 guinea pigs at one time (which is how I realised my littel girl was a boy LOL) anyways I would lpu thtem ion my bath, shallow at one end and deeper at the other so they could have a swim.. they loved it..

I also towel dried them and then used the hairdryer on a low setting. again they loved it.
I think some boys just do smell - I've got 2 at the moment that smell despite being on the same bedding as all of my other pigs, fed the same, cleaned out the same etc - but they are still stinky teenage boys! They're due a bath too! Gorgeous Guineas does a 'Just for boars' shampoo - that might help!

Washed my Jimmy and Angel yesterday, their scent glands were whiffy.
A little swarfega rubbed in then rinsed off and then shampooed using GG sweet harmony, a valentine one Chrissie did.
They look and smell lovely today.
If they are outdoor piggies, just make sure they are completely dry before they go back outside. :)
:) Thank you all for the advice, I've ordered some Just for Boars shampoo and have today off to do DIY so will go and find swarfega. Looks like the stinky boys could be having a bath at the weekend. They're very placid and seem to like being handled so hopefully it won't be too much fuss.

The only other thing that concerned me was whether it would make them fight as it'd make them smell wrong, but I'm guessing this isn't a problem. I'm look forward to sweet smelling piggies. 8)
Ive bathed both my boars quite a few times and they were fine with it, I bathed them with the same shampoo so they both smelt the same :)
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