Is it normal for them to still run when i go near the cage?

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Sep 9, 2008
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We've had the cavy's now for almost 3 weeks, there handled at least once daily and at least once a day ill put my hand in to try and stroke them and then leave them. i go in their cage quite a few times a day with food, handling, stroking, water, veggies hay etc etc but every time i go near them they run as fast as their little legs will carry them. is this still normal? how long will it take for them not to be soo scared of me?
Some of them take longer than others - where is the cage situated? Some of mine have settled very quickly in an indoor cage, others never seem to, and still run even after living inside for some time. Sounds like you're doing all the right things! Have they got a hidey hole? Sometimes it can help if they don't have somewhere to run to (other people might disagree, but this has worked with some of mine and they get used to you more quickly!)

Good luck with them

it does take time, some longer than others. keep doing the things you are doing, sophie is right it can help to take out houses so they get used to you. it just depends if you want to do it.

good luck
One of mine (Big Red) runs as fast as he can when he sees you but will come out again if he was eating and carry on - The Colonel is a bit braver and doesn't run away, either than or he's greedier and won't let anything come between him and his food.
One of mine is the same.. After nearly 4 months of having them she still runs when you go near the cage and will only pop her head out. She will stay outside the house but only if she is completely covered in hay and she thinks you cant see her, even then she cannot relax...

3 weeks isnt long at all and guinea pigs are nervous by nature anyway so i wouldnt worry! Mine are living on the dining room able at the moment and we have to walk past all the time to get to the kitchen but she still hasnt got used to it and probably wont ever... Just keep on getting them used to everything and you will soon find they get a bit more adventurous every day...:))
I've had Garry almost a year and he still runs away whenever he hears someone in the room. He's started to come round a bit if you creep round him, talking to him gently or if he's by the hayrack that apparently gives him invisible powers. I just think he's nervous by nature - he is, however, my most cuddly piggy.

My other boys are fine. Minty will sometimes run, but that's normally if Garry shoots back into the pigloo with some speed. Over in the other cage, Ben and Dave are always at the other side of the bars, looking for what they can get!
My guinea pigs are kept indoors in the dining area which is really in the same room as the livingroom and one of my girls always runs away whenever I go near the cage. I've had mine for over a year now - so don't think she will ever change. She will poke her head back out if it looks like I might have some food - bribery always works! I have another girl though who will quite happy just lie there.
It will take time and usually sows are more timid than boars, in my experience.

I have known that some piggies will always run away when you approach them ... it is normal in their habitat and I guess difficult for them to overcome.

But even if they run away, they will be back within seconds! :))
My sow squeeky must be exception to the rule then! She is the only one who doesnt give a flying flip when you walk past... if she is eating then she is eating, if she is sleeping then she is sleeping (although with one eye open!) and if she is being nosey then she is being nosey!

She has gathered that someone walking past usually means food...rolleyes:))

Bigbum my boar is a big girls blouse and will eye your hand with suspicion (sp?) but doesnt always run when i walk past...
I've noticed If I've caught Toby offguard he will run or if he doesnt want to be picked up and see's me coming he will run lol
they had a little house with a bottom in and a small hole for my hand to fit through and get them at first that didnt last long though i was scared of hurting them when trying to get to them so ive got a big igloo and when i go in their cage i turn it upside down. I'm not sure about taking it away from them, they seem to spend all of their time in there. will see how it goes, id rather them be less frightened though thanks anyway
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