Adult Guinea Pig
Hi Guys as some of you may know I am having piggie dilema in that i have 4 lone boars who i haven't managed to bond together and I have just tried them with another boar from here and they all didn't get on with him/him with them either so I am heart broken because i can't keep him as i have no piggie emergency cage if any of the 3 pairs fall out and i would then also have to find him a friend as well and i just don't have the space. so is it easier to pair the older boys with babys as there is one 18 day old baby on here i could take home (when we know how soon he can be rehomed) but is this going to be just as difficult or easier (obviously there are no guarentees they will not fall out when the baby hits teenagerdom but I have the space for that if it happens, but not for a lone boy who i know doesn't get on if that makes sense!) mallethead :{ can;t have females because of my bonded pairs so what do i do?