Is it hard to cut correx to fit?

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Senior Guinea Pig
Oct 21, 2006
Reaction score
South Yorkshire, England
Is it hard to cut correx to the right size to fit the piggy cage? I've been using lino since I got my boys in december 06 but I'm getting some correx soon...just wondering whether anyone had difficulties getting it the right size etc? Any tips? O0
My only tip is don't try to cut it with a bread knife it is very painful lol my finger has only just healed up O0
;D Thanks for the tip

Any idea what type of knife would be best to use?

For the corners, do you have like flappy bits which you fold round then tape or not?
It's not difficult at all - I used a stanley knife. It's pretty hard to get a piece of correx big enough for my needs to I had to join a few pieces which is easy to do with duct tape. I even found white duct tape to match my white correx!
daftscotslass said:
It's not difficult at all - I used a stanley knife. It's pretty hard to get a piece of correx big enough for my needs to I had to join a few pieces which is easy to do with duct tape. I even found white duct tape to match my white correx!

Where did you get your white duct tape from? :D :D
Cool O0 Do you find correx easier than lino? I'm using lino at the moment but I want correx now.

If you have time could you take a piccy of your cage one day please :)
Okies cool :D Thanks!

I'm a bit worried about cutting the correx incase I make it too small lol. Dad is gunna help me though so hopefully it will be ok :)

Havn't even bought it yet but I am soon O0
Thanks, your cage looks great O0

Yay, my dad is finally buying correx tonight! :D From here (click). I hope it will be enough but I don't see why not. (my cage is a 5 1/2 x 2 with a 1x5 upper level..C&C)

I did think about getting coloured instead of white, but I think white will be good because it will be bright (with the caage being under my bed it keeps out a bit of light anyway but they still get lots) and also it's cheaper ;D Hey, why spend more money when I don't have to! I can spend that extra money on some more toys or something for them.
i just used scissors but did take a bit of brute force just get some wires cutters or such like & easy money thou :D
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