Is It Bad Too Own Only One Guin


New Born Pup
Sep 27, 2017
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I'm gonna be adopting a guinea pig that was already in a cage on his own. I've done research and everything, but I was wondering if it is bad to have only one? I'll be able too spend a lot of time with him, but I was reading about how they get depressed and such if they don't have a companion. Thanks for the help! ~ Cody
Guinea pigs are herd animals and do well with having a companion.

If you are adopting from a guinea pig shelter and stated that this guinea prefer living alone then it is fine, however if you are just getting from a person/ad/humane society then I suggest adopting a second same sex guinea pig for a companion.

Also, do research on cage size for 2 guinea pigs, most cages bought from pet stores are inadequate for guinea pigs
It is a better idea for you to get two piggies. It's more fun for them to have a little friend. They might like you very much but they'd still prefer to have another piggie friend to spend time with. They also feel more comfortable and tend to be more outgoing if they have another piggie living with them. It's not recommended to only have one piggie but I have heard that if the owner spends tons of time with the piggie, it is possible. You'd just have to provide tons of toys to entertain it and you'd have to spend a few hours with it every day. Having two piggies it's not really that different than having one, in terms of expenses, but the cage would be bigger. And it might even be more fun for you to have two piggies to cuddle with that one.

This thread has a great explanation of the need for same-species companionship for guinea pigs. As herd animals, they do thrive with companions and suffer without them.

When I first got my two guinea pigs, one of them came down with an upper respiratory infection and had to go back to the rescue for 2 weeks while he was treated. The one I had at home with me managed to get over his shyness quickly and I thought he was okay, but he never made sounds and mostly laid around all day. When his buddy got to come home, he lit up so much and was like a new pig! All the sudden he was playful, super vocal, active, was running and playing and snuggling up at night with his best friend. The difference was like night and day: alone, he was surviving, and with a friend, he was thriving. No matter how much time you spend with a guinea, it isn't nearly the same thing as having a companion of their own species to "speak" to in their special language and share life with.

I would strongly encourage that you adopt a pair of guinea pigs, preferably from a rescue. If you are going to get male pigs from a store, try to get two with an age difference to try to make sure they won't go through piggy puberty at the same time and fight. There's lots of helpful information on this forum about bonding! Feel free to ask any questions about pairs of male guinea pigs, cage size, etc.
A few years ago l had a pig called Furbie, he hated other pigs and would attack anything that moved other boars, sows and me :box:
I still have a scare on my finger We're Furbie dug his incisors in, ! It went right down to the bone,
My kneejurk reaction was to get my finger out of the way quickly but old Furbie wasn't letting go easierly and the poor lad whent flying through the air unceremoniously and landed in a garden shrub,
Luckaly he was non the worst for wear!
He was like this most of his life, but when he was around 6 years old he sudenly melowed and lived his remaing years with a succession of partners, boars and sows
It would be great idea too get him a Companion but If it will stretch you money wise it's too your discretion
I think its always better to get a companion if you can.
I only have Archie though, and he is very much not depressed XD
When I had my two rainbow piggies Lenny and Gizmo, Lenny trotted over the rainbow bridge before Gizmo but Gizzy would not accept another piggie and lived the last 9 months on his own. This was his choice though as he only ever wanted his best mate Lenny around. Now they are together again at the rainbow bridge and playing happily together again. Please give your new piggie the opportunity to have a friend it will be best for him.