Is Herbie mad at them?

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I had all three of my boys out today and Herbie just seemed to keep rumbling at them and then try to sniff their bums. He also wouldn't seem to leave them alone when they tried to run off he would chase them. He did this more to Squeak than Pip.

What is he doing to them?

I put Herbie back in his hutch and left the boys to run round on their own and Squeak seems to rumble at Pip even though both boys live together. Took an age trying to catch Pip and Squeak to put them back as they are so fast lol.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks Sarah x
Are they definiately all boars ? ::) ;D
If they have just been introduced to each other then they would do this but if they havent and its came out of the blue then I'm not sure as surely they got to sniff each other all the time unless they dont live together ? Do they all live together and are you 100% they are all the same sex ?
They are all boars I have seen all their little excuse the word balls.

Herbie lives in a hutch on his own although he can see Pip and Squeak in their cage which is right next to his.

Herbie has been doing this to both of them since I gave them some lap time and Squeak has always done this to Pip.
Yes thats why then if they are separated then a new boar/sow will start him off ;D then itll start the others off too ::)
Will they ever get on? I want them all to like each other but he just seems to rumble at them and try to headbutt them when he pushes his head underneath them.

I don't want to feel guily for buying him some friends when he doesn';t even like them
i think theyll always rumble if they arent living together and you greet them again as its someone new but if they were all living together then itd stop after a night ;D
It is perfectly normal, Herbie is just trying to exert his dominance. Leave them to it but keep an eye on them. If it turns serious where he actuallt injures one or both of them, then it is time to seperate :)
Well Herbie doesn't seem to like Squeak at all and the same for Squeak not liking Herbie. Pip is just scared so he hides but Herbie and Squeak teeth chatter to each other and rumble and Herbie also seems to fluff himself up. They sometimes chase each other but have not really hurt either of them.

I'm confused what's going on?
Well, they are not getting along. Bonding three boars is a tricky thing to acomplish :( If this is what keeps happening, it may be best to keep Herbie apart from Pip and Squeak but let them see/smell eachother in next door cages.
does this mean that i won't be able to have all three out at the same time?

It's a shame cause they are all lovely just not when they are together.?

and since I have had my two boys I seem to be smelling something and don't know what it is
It would seem to be the case that they are not going to get on as a threesome :-\but this need not be a disaster. Herbie still has piggie company even though they wont interact with eachother.
The smell you are talking about is the boars scenting. You will notice that they drag their bottom along the floor. They are marking their territory after other piggies have been there. It stinks like pongy old socks ;D
how can i get rid of the smell? i doubt i can use stuff that you shake on the carpet and them vacuum up.

so what do i do
;D Not a lot really! What I do is I bought cheap cream coloured bath mats from woolworths and the places where they like to go I put newspaper down and the bath mats on top of the paper. If you put clean mats/paper down in between the boys floor time, they tend not to scent as much, as the mats are clean and dont have the other boars scent on it..if that makes sense ;D
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