Is he being bullied


New Born Pup
Nov 23, 2023
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United stAtes
I have to young boars two weeks ago. I have two of everything and a large enough cage. I believe one is being bullied. When I am cleaning the cage our doing anything on the room Bosley will chase the other and corner him. At time when Bosley will go into the others hidey and chace him out. At this time no wounds but bigglesworth now will not leave his hut. He grab the closest pieces of food and run back to the hut to hide. Is it time to separate.
There is a bonding and behaviour guide on guinea pig info, I'm afraid I don't know how to link it. Can't offer any advice as I am not very experienced.
I’m sorry to hear this.

Bullying is a sustained behaviour where the underpig becomes withdrawn, is constantly chased, potentially starts to lose weight through not being allowed to eat (if you suspect bullying it can help to switch from the routine weekly weight checks and instead weigh more regularly so you can ensure he stops losing weight once you separate).

how old are they?

You say it happens when you clean the cage or are doing anything in the cage. Are they are ok together at any other time or is it only when you clean the cage that you see this behaviour ?
I ask because cleaning out the cage fully wipes the territory of their scents and can upset them. It can cause the dominant to feel the need to overly exert themselves which may upset a submissive piggy. It is advised to clean half the cage at a time so the cage still smells of them elsewhere and can help them adjust to it more easily.

It takes them two weeks to establish a relationship in any new environment and during that time you see dominance. If what you are seeing is more than just normal dominance behaviour and it is constant and given and as it is beyond the two week period and things havent settled, it does sound like bullying may be what is happening.
The best thing is for you to separate them for a few days. Watch bigglesworth while they are apart. If he starts to become happier, comes out of his hide and moves about more, then that is a sign that he does not want to be with Boseley and would be happier on his own. Boaeleu will Be upset by the separation; he may chew the bars etc, but it is not his reaction that you go by.

If bigglesworth is happier to be on his own, comes out more and is eating happily, then it is safe to say he was being bullied and the separation does need to be made permanent.
Ensure each piggy has a cage a minimum of 120x60cm, and that the two cages are side by side. They need to be able to interact constantly with the bars between them as that will stop them From becoming lonely.

Boars, when living together, need a large cage covering 180x60cm. All hides need to have two exits. However, if they are not compatible then they will still have issues even if their cage is big enough.

The two guides below will help with further information, they detail how to spot a failing relationship.

Bonds In Trouble
Boars: Teenage, Bullying, Fighting, Fall-outs And What Next?