Is euthanasia the right decision for my pig?


New Born Pup
Aug 2, 2022
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United Kingdom
One of my 3 year old boars was ill 2 weeks ago and went off his food, was urinating blood and seemed really withdrawn and uncomfortable. My vet thought was it could be a UTI or bladder stones and prescribed Metacam and Baytril for a week but this hasn't made any improvement. I didn't go down the route of further investigations, e.g. ultrasound or xrays, partly due to cost and also because if this does show something surgical I am unlikely to choose it as I couldn't put him through it. He has been steadily losing weight for months although this has been most dramatic in the last 2 weeks where he has dropped from 890g to 720g. He is visibly thin and still urinating blood. He picks at his hay but won't accept nuggets and hardly wants any veggies which is so unlike him.
I think I know in my heart what the right decision is but I would really welcome some outside input as I am struggling so much with this. I worry that I should be funding further investigations and treatment and that I will be judged for choosing to have him PTS instead. He and his companion are the first pets that has truly been mine and have helped me through some of the toughest years of my life.
So sorry for your difficult situation.
It’s good to talk through the decision here, it will help clarify in your own mind what is the right choice.

There is always that feeling that maybe we should just do that extra bit of treatment.
Ask yourself’ ‘ will it really make a positive difference?’

You will not be judged here, you are not just counting the cost but thinking of your boy’s wellbeing.
Sometimes PTS is the best decision.

You know, in your heart, what the most compassionate and loving decision is.
Go with your heart as we hold you in ours ♥️

Be gentle with yourself.
I agree with everyone else.
You know your own piggy best, and also know your own circumstances.
In an ideal world everything would be fixed with more tests and treatments, and we would all have a bottomless pit of money to pay for this, but reality is very different.
All you can do is listen to your heart and do what you think is best for your boy.
I’m sorry you’re going through this.
I can only agree with the advice above also. Nobody will judge you here, we will support you in whatever decision you make.
So sorry you are in this situation. I feel if further investigation/surgical procedure is not an option or financially possible then then having him pts would be the kindest thing to do. You will not be judged for making that difficult decision and it is a far kinder and braver thing to do than leaving him to deteriorate further.
Also, just because possible further investigations and treatments exist, it does not mean they are always the right way to go.
I am so sorry you are in this situation. I can only echo what everyone else has said. You know your boy best and so, guided by the vet, only you can know what the right decision is. All the best.
My Girl was PTS on Friday there because she was going through something very similar. She did get x-rays and it confirmed she did have a stone, which was stuck in her urethra. I didnt have a choice but to PTS but hearing her that morning screaming in so much pain when she was trying to pee was absolutely heartbreaking. For her sake I'm so glad she is now pain free but it doesnt make it any easier I know. Deciding to put any pet to sleep is a really tough decision to make, even if you know thats for the best. X
As @Stacey has said they chose to take the very difficult decision to have their piggy put to sleep. I on the other hand decided to op for surgery to remove my piggies bladder stone on Friday. He passed away yesterday evening. He just couldn’t cope with the anaesthetic. He went back to the vets on Saturday, Sunday and Monday. And couldn’t be saved. Whichever decision you make will be the right one. Take care.
As @Stacey has said they chose to take the very difficult decision to have their piggy put to sleep. I on the other hand decided to op for surgery to remove my piggies bladder stone on Friday. He passed away yesterday evening. He just couldn’t cope with the anaesthetic. He went back to the vets on Saturday, Sunday and Monday. And couldn’t be saved. Whichever decision you make will be the right one. Take care.
I'm so sorry to hear that ❤

I dont think there is a right decision, You just do what you think is best for them at that time and sadly sometimes no matter what you do, it ends up with the same result.
I'm so sorry to hear that ❤

I dont think there is a right decision, You just do what you think is best for them at that time and sadly sometimes no matter what you do, it ends up with the same result.
Yes I agree. If I could of looked into the future I wouldn’t have put him through it. But you hope for the best. I’m sorry for your loss too.
I'm so sorry you are faced with this decision, it's never easy to make. I think all you can do is talk to the vet and make your decision based on what's best for your piggie and what's feasible for you (it would be nice if we all had a bottomless bank account but it's not reality.) One of my piggies was diagnosed with a large ovarian mass a couple of weeks ago... we elected to try her on pain medications for as long as she is comfortable and eating and doing normal piggie things. So far she is doing well, but as soon as she is not wanting to eat or do normal pig stuff, we will have her put to sleep because we only want her to have good days. We don't want her to have to be uncomfortable, having more time isn't worth it to her if she isn't happy for that time. ((HUGS)) and thinking of you. I know it's such a hard position to be in.
I’m so sorry for you, it’s a hard decision that many of us have had to make. Guinea pig lives are measured in happy food filled days a life well lived even though sometimes it can be very short. Sending big hugs, whatever decision you make will be the right one for you and your piggie x
Thank you everyone for all your kind replies. My boy passed over the rainbow bridge last night. In the end I chose to have him PTS and although it’s one of the hardest decisions I’ve had to make I’m happy that I made it
@Stacey and @weepweeps I’m so sorry for both your losses too.

I hope you’re enjoying all the veggies in guinea heaven Ginger x


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So sorry for your loss.
Even although you made the tough decision out of love for Ginger it is still a painful loss.
He was loved and given a great life.
Be gentle with yourself as you grieve
I’m sorry for your loss. Do take good care of yourself.
I’m so sorry you had to make this terribly hard decision. But it was made with love. Enjoy the green grass over the bridge gorgeous Ginger. If you see Percy say hi. He was a gentle pig. ❤️
Thank you everyone for all your kind replies. My boy passed over the rainbow bridge last night. In the end I chose to have him PTS and although it’s one of the hardest decisions I’ve had to make I’m happy that I made it
@Stacey and @weepweeps I’m so sorry for both your losses too.

I hope you’re enjoying all the veggies in guinea heaven Ginger x
I'm so sorry. Its always hard to make that decision even if it is the best thing for them. X
I’m so sorry for your loss, but your love and care shined through, we all know sometimes it’s the kindest decision we can make x

Sleep tight little one 🌈
Make a decision based on how you feel and how your piggy feels, I’m sure it will be the right one for both of you :luv: