Is Blackbeard an oversexed boar?

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Aug 12, 2012
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As some of you may remember during the summer last year i rescued a baby piggie - Blackbeard, the pig in my avatar - as a companion for an older pig who had lost his brother.... well since then here's a summary of blackbeard 'phases';

Initially he got on great with other-pig, then he matured and tryed dominate other-pig, three months ago he suceeded in his takeover and became head pig.... i apprechiate this isn't unusal but....

But he didn't stop there, I noticed he really went to town in his dominating behaviour, now i've had a fair few guinea pigs (all males) and i have never witnessed such agression.
He doesn't simply rumble strut and hump, he would jump and use his back claws aimed at other-pigs eyes, he chased endlessly, he bit, he wouldn't allow other-pig in any of the four beds (between two). He would wake up to shift other-pig and return to his own bed. This behaviour got worse, and I probably let it go on longer than i should, other-pig got a wound on ear and nose.

Needless to say blackbeard doesn't live with the other pig anymore. And his attitude improved when seperated he is much happier and spends his days popcorning away. But, I've only recently convinced him not to bite me, unless i have food he winges to leave my lap RELENTLESSLY. He rumble struts if I make noises like coughing. He rumbles at my rats for scratching! and is generally very highly strung. Although he popcorns he never seems relaxed.

I've looked on the internet about castration, but apparently this wont help, is this true?
Does anyone else out there have a highly strung pig? what do you do?
Could this be youngster phase he will grow out of?

Advice would be much apprechiated as i really love BB but I have to admit he's a hard guineapig to enjoy! lol.
Also, i have had him checked at the vets, he has a clean bill. He's kept in a ten square ft c&c cage and comes out for exercise everyday too.

Cheers, Amz x.
My god! What a mean mean little a piggy! A very awesome and appropriate name too! I wish I could give advice, but my pigs are pretty gentile in the long run. Tiny bits of rumbling, and I've had them rumble me when I cough aswell. I think it's just a noise they aren't used to :/ I probably wouldnt bother with the neutering.. if there is a change in character I doubt it'll be enough to justify sedation.. I've had three neutered boars and they were all the same before and after, but always lived with girls. Perhaps if you did get him neutered you could try him witha sow and see if he feels less intense towards her... though by the sounds of it he might be just as grumpy :/ Wonder if you could get a teddy that has been sat with a sow for a week and see how he reacts to her smell on the teddy?
Hormonal males can calm down from around 18 months so hopefully Blackbeard (who is so gorgeous in you avatar pic :)) will calm at this age.

Neutering guinea pigs makes no difference to their behaviour like this so there's no point putting him through surgery with the hope of changing his personality I'm afraid.

It sounds like he has plenty of space & things to do so I can't offer any further advice I'm afraid other than it may improve with time. Hopefully somebody else with similar experience will be along soon.

Best wishes,

shiny :)
My god! What a mean mean little a piggy! A very awesome and appropriate name too! I wish I could give advice, but my pigs are pretty gentile in the long run. Tiny bits of rumbling, and I've had them rumble me when I cough aswell. I think it's just a noise they aren't used to :/ I probably wouldnt bother with the neutering.. if there is a change in character I doubt it'll be enough to justify sedation.. I've had three neutered boars and they were all the same before and after, but always lived with girls. Perhaps if you did get him neutered you could try him witha sow and see if he feels less intense towards her... though by the sounds of it he might be just as grumpy :/ Wonder if you could get a teddy that has been sat with a sow for a week and see how he reacts to her smell on the teddy?

thats a great idea, thank you!
Hormonal males can calm down from around 18 months so hopefully Blackbeard (who is so gorgeous in you avatar pic :)) will calm at this age.

Neutering guinea pigs makes no difference to their behaviour like this so there's no point putting him through surgery with the hope of changing his personality I'm afraid.

It sounds like he has plenty of space & things to do so I can't offer any further advice I'm afraid other than it may improve with time. Hopefully somebody else with similar experience will be along soon.

Best wishes,

shiny :)

thank you for your advice, i will avoid surgery. Heres to the future then, haha :)
It's a good job he's so cute and funny to watch :P
Or try him after 18 months with the scent of other boars on a teddy if you dont get him neutered.. Boar dating is the best way to try him out, but best to make sure he wont SCHIZZ on the teddybear first to prevent hurting a date! haha
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