I don't have any pictures at the moment (currently under going a renovation of the guineas housing!) but mine is very similar cover to the Scratch and Newtons hutch hugger (actually have the Scratch and Newton ones for my rabbits and can't recommend them enough!). I think if you have outdoor piggies, then they naturally adjust to the colder temps anyway. I wouldn't recommend someone to put them at end of Oct and expect them to be fine though! I think common sense is the best thing to use, as long as they've got plenty of hay, fleece and a friend to cuddle up to in my experience they are fine. I've had piggies since I was age two (21 now) and non have ever died due to cold weather! Sadly, when I was younger I didn't have snugglesafes, hutch covers or anything like that. It was just hay and more hay and they were fine. Now I've grown up and learnt a lot more though I try and give them as much protection as I can, more for my peace of mind than anything else!