Is Anyone a Teacher?

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Adult Guinea Pig
Jan 26, 2007
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North Wales (but from the Wirral)
Can I ask if anyone here is a teacher?

I have been wondering about a career change for a while now, and after the week I have had at work I am determined to find a job that I am happy in and not constantly stressed out and exhausted all the time... i am seriously considering taking a year out to go to teacher training college to do languages (I used to teach English in Japan and enjoyed it). I think i would like to teach teenagers ( :o) .... just wondering if anyone has any experience of teaching and what their thoughts were..
Susie ( Barmy4boars) is a primary school teacher and is very nice to chat to , good luck if thats what you want to do,
I am a teacher... 98). Primary school, I teach 6-7 year olds at the mo. This is my second year now. Got to agree it is stressful and busy busy busy. :D Much harder than I expected... it mainly meetings and paperwork that annoy me. I am hoping, with a change of school I might be happier though. At the end of the day when my classroom door is closed and I can concentrate on teaching my class I do love the job :smitten:. Plus I could never give up the holidays... its tough in term time but there are plenty of rests inbetween. I love never being more that 8 weeks away from a holiday... this half term it will be just 5 weeks for me.

I say do what makes you happy. I say go for it.. I am always tired and have very little free time on a week night but its worth it.

(modified after re-reading and realising you want to be a teacher not give up being a teacher... sorry lol)
I'm not a teacher, just a Nursery nurse,but now a childminder since my 2 (Ross 7yrs &Jaye 5yrs) went to school,so I'm at home if needed! Good Luck with what ever you decide! you are braver than me, never thought i could do teacher training, not confide enough in literacy ! But I'm not stupid,may not be able to write 500 word essay but very good at making hutches,good with children& animals etc
Thanks Susie, I work in industry at the moment and have been thinking a lot recently about whether I want to do this for ever... and I don't.

When I taught in Japan I used to get so much satisfaction when my students did well! It was so rewarding. I work my backside off for this company and even though mine is the only project to have smashed all its targets, I get nothing but criticism... don't understand why, starting to wonder if its because they are all blokes.

You say that it is much harder than you expected, and you are tired and have no free time on weeknights - how much work do you have to bring home? You also say tho that you love the actual teaching - sounds good to me! I am still looking into it and finding out about courses near me, but if I can pluck up the nerve I will go for it!

Thanks for the advice!
Gaile said:
I'm not a teacher, just a Nursery nurse,but now a childminder since my 2 (Ross 7yrs &Jaye 5yrs) went to school,so I'm at home if needed! Good Luck with what ever you decide! you are braver than me, never thought i could do teacher training, not confide enough in literacy ! But I'm not stupid,may not be able to write 500 word essay but very good at making hutches,good with children& animals etc

I'm not brave Gaile, and will be scared stiff of taking the plunge, but at the end of the day, you only get one shot at life, and I don't want to be bombing up the motorway to a job that has me in a state of constant anxiety and dreading going in each morning... I can't do that until I retire, I'll go mad!

PS if you're good with children, why not give it a shot if you want to? I think you are brave doing childminding! I run a mile when confronted with a screaming toddler!
I love my job in education - I work as a support tutor with 16-18 year olds with moderate learning difficulties/challenging behaviour

Its hard work - this years students are challenging but its settling down now 6 months into the course!

Ive done part one of the city and guilds teaching cert, need to do stage 2 then cert ed but in no rush.I dont have the level of paperwork being support tutor. I tend to do 8.30/5 and catch up on paperwork from 3.30pm i do all the risk assesments and ed visits paperwork that is never ending!

A lot of the work we do is building confidence levels/self esteem up and working on social/life skills then we can start teaching! Our students are working pre gcse level at entry levels 2-3 and level1.

I'm doing an nvq 3 in care so thats extra work but a useful qual to do me thinks!

I love working with teenagers and love the challenges it brings - i sort work exp placements and its great to get positive feedback from employers.

Teaching/support is hard work but def rewarding :)
That sounds like a fab job Alison! I'd like to work with teenagers and maybe special needs kids. Whats the most difficult aspect of handling kids with challenging behaviour?
Well the bit thats hard is when youve tried everything, but the behaviour is not going to change, even with 1:1 support. You find you put all your energy into one student and sometimes the others miss out. We have had to let 2 leave/ask to leave/exclude them as they just couldnt modify their behaviour.

All the form filling is a pain but part of the job these days!

The positives out weigh the negatives big time!

When you see a past student working away whilst your in sainsburys doing your weekly shop its great!

On surveys students did today one put in the any other comments box: 'i love college cos the teachers are nice' :)
I'm a Primary School teacher too. I am KS2 (7 - 11) trained but am now working in KS1 like Susie as I was seconded down to try and sort out the little horrors in the infants!

Most of the time I love my job - the kids are wonderful and I really do feel like a make a difference to them even if its only in a tiny way. There are other parts of it that makes me tear my hair out mind you - the hours are awful and I always have to work at home too to get everything done, it eats into your free time massively and its hard not to resent that at times. As Susie has said there are a lot of meetings etc and paperwork, assessments etc etc etc but they do get done somehow. I'm on the management of the school now which is a two edged sword as it means I have a lot of extra stuff to do - if I had an option to be purely class based I'd grab it with both hands thats for sure!

All that said though I do love it - its hard, its stressful and I'm always tired but for the time being at least I wouldn't do anything else!
Thanks Katiep, i do love my job,but like all jobs i do have some days i don't! I'm also a sponsored childminer,which means i work with the local council/social service to provide child care to parents/mothers that need "time out",at the moment looking after brother 3yr & sister 15mths their dad has a rare type of leukemia,mum having rough time but it helps that i have the bairns for 2 4hour sessions a week,so that she can have time to herself,visit dad or even shop without the kids! I've known the "mum" since she was a young teenager!It is also helping the kids to be out of the house,because it gets a little stressful at home! i think?
starshine said:
I'm a Primary School teacher too. I am KS2 (7 - 11) trained but am now working in KS1 like Susie as I was seconded down to try and sort out the little horrors in the infants!

Most of the time I love my job - the kids are wonderful and I really do feel like a make a difference to them even if its only in a tiny way. There are other parts of it that makes me tear my hair out mind you - the hours are awful and I always have to work at home too to get everything done, it eats into your free time massively and its hard not to resent that at times. As Susie has said there are a lot of meetings etc and paperwork, assessments etc etc etc but they do get done somehow. I'm on the management of the school now which is a two edged sword as it means I have a lot of extra stuff to do - if I had an option to be purely class based I'd grab it with both hands thats for sure!

All that said though I do love it - its hard, its stressful and I'm always tired but for the time being at least I wouldn't do anything else!

Hmm ! YOur not in Tipton are you ! O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 ;D ;D ;D :D :D ;) ;) ;)
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