Is A Friend Opposite As Good As A Live-in Friend?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jan 13, 2012
Reaction score
I have two boars. Minipig used to be one of a pair (his friend died last year) and Timothy has always lived in his own hutch with other boars nearby. Timothy has met other guineas, but isn't that bothered and mostly just wants to bite them (Minipig included!). Minipig is a much quieter boy, and is quite nervous of everything.
I'm wondering if Minipig would benefit from finding a new live-in friend? Or do you think he gets just as much happiness from having a friend opposite him? They can rub noses through the cage door, as their hutches are in a shed which they take turns to have free range of. I don't want to get a new pig if will stress them out more, plus I'd struggle to have enough room for three houses if I end up with 3 individually housed pigs. On the other hand, I just want to do everything I can to keep my boys happy and healthy.

Your thoughts would be much appreciated.
I have two boars. Minipig used to be one of a pair (his friend died last year) and Timothy has always lived in his own hutch with other boars nearby. Timothy has met other guineas, but isn't that bothered and mostly just wants to bite them (Minipig included!). Minipig is a much quieter boy, and is quite nervous of everything.
I'm wondering if Minipig would benefit from finding a new live-in friend? Or do you think he gets just as much happiness from having a friend opposite him? They can rub noses through the cage door, as their hutches are in a shed which they take turns to have free range of. I don't want to get a new pig if will stress them out more, plus I'd struggle to have enough room for three houses if I end up with 3 individually housed pigs. On the other hand, I just want to do everything I can to keep my boys happy and healthy.

Your thoughts would be much appreciated.
In short opposite Is not that same as a friend. Most guineas crave company although there are a few exceptions. I adopted rupert 6 weeks ago from p@h they told me he cant be round other pigs. So I thought I have to try before I dismiss the idea and got him neutered and today I took him to a lady's house to try him with a girl who hated other guineas. They are now getting on like a house on fire.

If you can afford to keep another 2 guineas I would recommend contacting your local rescueand ask about boar dating they hopefully will be able to find you a personality match. They wont let you take a new guinea home til they are satisfied that they will work together.

The other option is neutering and getting a girl but this has risks and should not be taken lightly you need to research and find a vet experienced in this
Thank-you Briony! Minipig is 3, so I'm not keen on neutering him. Wheek and Squeak is quite near, so I may try there.
I can warmly recommend Wheek&Squeak; having a live-in friend is so much better! By boar dating at a good rescue, you minimalise the risks and maximise the chances of coming back home with a new boarmate without having the headache of what to do if the bonding doesn't work out. You will always have the rescue to fall back on.
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