New Born Pup
We have 3 boars, all around 6 months old. Two seem fine, they are quite closely bonded, but the other one seems much thinner and his fur is not in such good condition. Having watched them for a bit it looks like the other two are ganging up on him and making him miserable. Saw the vet this morning and he has treated pig for mites as he thinks this is cause of skin condition but wasn't overly helpful about the behaviour, other than suggesting that I get them all neutered at £60 each, so not keen to go down that road. Any other suggestions?
We have 3 boars, all around 6 months old. Two seem fine, they are quite closely bonded, but the other one seems much thinner and his fur is not in such good condition. Having watched them for a bit it looks like the other two are ganging up on him and making him miserable. Saw the vet this morning and he has treated pig for mites as he thinks this is cause of skin condition but wasn't overly helpful about the behaviour, other than suggesting that I get them all neutered at £60 each, so not keen to go down that road. Any other suggestions?