Irritable Boars!

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New Born Pup
Feb 23, 2014
Reaction score
North Essex Nr. Halstead
Hi, I rehomed 2 bonded boars (Domino and Cookie) from a rescue centre almost 4 weeks ago, this is the first time i have owned guinea pigs. The first two weeks they lived happily in there 2 tier 4x2 outdoor hutch with two of everything - then they suddenly had a fight resulting in blood shed and injuries with Domino (the smaller of the two) comin off worse, nothing to major but enough for a newbie owner to be freaked out. The lady at the rescue centre took them back for a week to clean there wounds and assess there behaviour. Whilst there they were absolutely fine and showed no further signs of aggression to one another. I therefore bought them home again last Saturday, left them to settle for 24hrs as everyone seems to recommend. I did a daily health check on Monday and noticed that cookie had a small cut which i cleaned and has now healed. Yesterday, i discovered that Domino had a small wound on his back and today a small graze near to his nose. They are palcid when held and can be held together without fussing, they do rumblestrutt and teeth chatter, Cookie often tells domino to back off but the little fella just doesnt get the hint. Cookie was becoming dominent over the sectioned off bedding area, so today i removed the partition to make the area bigger and added two fleece pouches as well as lots of hay. In the hope that this would eliminate some tension.
I have really bonded with these fellas and feel awful knowing that they are hurting eachother, I'm also puzzled as to why this change of behaviour started. We do live in the countryside and get the occassional mouse visit - could cause upset? I check the hutch everyday for mouse droppings and i havent spotted any in the hutch....

Sorry for the long message - not sure what to do for the best :(
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