intto of new baby

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Junior Guinea Pig
May 31, 2009
Reaction score
Hi can anyone help?
I have just introduced today a baby sow given to me, to my three sows (mother and two babies.)
All of them started chasing the baby and chattering teeth at everyone even though they have lived together since birth. the mummy pig got a scratched nose from one of her daughters and it bled. I then took the mum out and left baby with the daughters and one started chasing and butting the baby may have nipped but can't see anything. I took the baby out as they all seemed stressed by the situation. What should i do? Does this mean I can't have this baby and should take it back to my friend? would they be better with a neuted boar? or am i over reacting? advice would be great guys
How old is the baby? I've noticed sows seem to 'pick on' new baby sows more than on adults for some reason. As an established group, it sounds like introducing her has upset the pecking order a little. Did you introduce them on neutral territory i.e a play pen or run?

Not at first I firstly put the baby in the hutch, then when things kicked off I put them in the run and it wasn't as bad- then when I put them all back in the hutch they all started on everyone!
The hutch is 8 foot x 2 foot with an upstairs which is 4foot x 2 foot so they have room so it can't be that. the baby is only six weeks old bless her. she is upstairs now hiding in a ball of hay all on her own, i bet she thinks why she has been brought to this hell hole, i feel so badXXX
did you give the hutch a thorough clean out before putting the group back into it?

its a good idea to clean thoroughly and also change the layout a sit reduces the chances of territorialness. if they were fine in a neutral territory it maybe worth trying this. though keep a spare towel to hand incase you need to split them (saves you getting bit ;-))
I'll try doing that then, I'll put them together in the run and see what happens. I'm just scared they might kill the baby a she is soooo small next to them, it's like you wonder when enough is enough because you can't tell when they are biting for real.
I let you know what happens tomorrow fingers crossed everyone!")
there are some good links on this thread if you want to have a read and prepare yourself first - it gave me the dutch courage i needed before bonding.

i confess when i got caramac there was a seven week old boar i could of tried instead but i was so scared with how small he was etc that i went with a 12 week old instead, so i can fully understand what you are going through. my fingers are crossed for you that trying again with a "fresh" environment will help.

just to add we went with the bathing our existing pig with the new pig option - they bonded well together from there on.
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Unfortunately, the babies are a bit to young to have a bath yet, otherwise I would have recommended one.

If you have hides/huts etc., please take anything out that has only one exit, so that the new baby can't be backed into a corner and always has a way to escape. Could you use the floor of your bathroom or the bathtub for re-introduction if necessary?
Thanks thats a really good idea as today is sunny but cold so didn't want to put them in the run. I'll pop them in the bath (Won't wash them though) my kids are gonna find this really funny.
I'll try it and let you know........
Hi Sarah,
Have you tried introducing them by putting them in next door hutches or runs (so that they can get used to each other through netting or bars)? This worked when I introduced my boys to each other. They could get to know each other for a week before actually being in the same run.

(I'm in Sheffield too).
thanks Chris!
I'm about to put them all on my landing area instead of bath as there is more room and they can't get anywhere,xx>>> here goes....
not sure what to say really- they seem to be okay and then chattering and nipping starts again, I don't feel that I should leave them on their own together in fact i don't think its going to work out.
I think its me- I keep getting scared everytime they go near of them isn't bothered at all, but the other two seem really unaccepting of the baby...................
Guess what, tried again this morning and they are all together now RESULT!
I'm so happy, esp because i know i can rescue a few more piggys!
My ginnies arn't evil after all!
I did what eveyone said to do, cleaned out their hutch and rearranged some stuff, then i put them in the run together they chattered their teeth a bit and chased eachother but they seem to be okay now just the occasional swipe. Hope they will be okay tonight x
You should be OK by now - the dangerous phase is usually the first hour. Be prepared that the swipes will go on for a bit. Baby needs to be firmly put in place in piggy society - I have the same going on with my new baby. Thankfully, they are usually not too daunted by it!
ohh i'm soooo happy happy happy I really didn't want to have to give the baby back (Fluffy lol) I have really fell for her she has spent loads of time with me already because i didn't dare put her in with my lot! plus now I know I can still rescue
Thanks for everyones helpxxxxxxxxxxxx
so glad things worked out for you :-)

its brilliant when a bond goes to plan. i;m glad you didn;t let the initial hiccups put you off x
yeah I know I neally bottled out of it with all the nipping and squeeling!
Might be going through it all again soon though as I may be having Murphy soon!!
AWWW - with Murphy it will be less nipping than rumbling, chasing, humping (whichever way, they are not choosy when in the grip of testosterone overload)...
Expect some fireworks, LOTS of squeaking from the girls and a very smelly pee squirting orgy! Once the boy has finally found the on switch for his brain again, things should be fine!
sounds great ha ha..
They are really doing great though now thy all cuddle up at night together so i feel really proud of my welcoming pigs!
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