Introduction Success!

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 3, 2015
Reaction score
Yay! A successful introduction of Margaret to Jambo and Primrose! Not sure who is boss pig - Jambo continues to strut his funky stuff and rumble away - the girls don't appear impressed! Only one minor scratch on Prim's chin which I'll keep an eye on but, all in all, a smooth transition! :yahoo:
Yay! A successful introduction of Margaret to Jambo and Primrose! Not sure who is boss pig - Jambo continues to strut his funky stuff and rumble away - the girls don't appear impressed! Only one minor scratch on Prim's chin which I'll keep an eye on but, all in all, a smooth transition! :yahoo:

That is good news! Thanks for the update.

Minor scratches during intros can happen, when a piggy can't get quickly enough out of the way of a swipe. They don't count, as they are accidental. It is the full-on intentional fights and bites that are definitely the end of the road.
Congratulations on bonding! I am in the middle of bonding two adult boars and it is a little nerve wracking.... Good to have a positive story to read to keep me going.
Congratulations on bonding! I am in the middle of bonding two adult boars and it is a little nerve wracking.... Good to have a positive story to read to keep me going.
Good luck with your 'boar bonding'!

Early days with my three but hopefully it will all work out. I love watching Jambo strutting his stuff in front of the girls who are decidedly unimpressed! :D
Good luck with your 'boar bonding'!

Early days with my three but hopefully it will all work out. I love watching Jambo strutting his stuff in front of the girls who are decidedly unimpressed! :D

That's hysterical, pigs and humans are close then huh haha
Day three - all seems ok still. Jambo thinks Christmas has come early and spends his time between the two girls. Prim, I think, is boss pig and so there is a little tension between her and Margaret. She also has a couple of scabs on her chin - the result of facing off I imagine. However, they sat sharing their breakfast this morning so, although early days, I am ever hopeful this will be fine :clap:
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