Introduction - part 1

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Jul 4, 2011
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Ok, so I took the first step in bonding the girls today. Started off with neutral ground in the spare room, so lots of room for them to run around etc. First put Bellatrix with Hermione. No probes at all, both happily munching away on some veg. Then introduced Rogue. It was quite clear that Rogue wants to be top pig. There was some rumbling but the other 2 just backed off and all carried on eating veggies. Rogue did seem to chase Bellatrix round a bit, but that seemed to settle down. So next came Cho. Again, didn't seem many issues, although when she went up to Rogue there was some nose raising, but Cho backed off. So next came Ginny. Well, this is where things got a little tense. I think that both Ginny and Rogue want to be top pig. They were rumbling and nosing off and there were a few nips. Both then backed off for a bit. So finally Raven was introduced, she just got on with eating the veg. So with all 6 there I just sat watching them for a bit. My main concern is Rogue and Ginny. There was quite a bit of chasing and nose raising. Neither seem prepared to back down. I think poor Bellatrix is bottom pig because at one point Rogue chased her and she started squeaking in a way that sounded like crying. I've put them all back in their respective cages in their pairs now and I'll try again in a few days. Just wanted some opinions from people who *** experience of this sort of thing. Do I need to be concerned? I don't want it to end up in a full blown fight. Kind of relieved it didn't go that way today tho :...
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