Introduction Going Bad?


Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 28, 2017
Reaction score
Birmingham, West Midlands
Hi every one
As you can see I'm new here. I have only ever kept female guineas before.
Recently bought two males about 8 weeks who where separate in the shop but got on well during the 30 min they where put together.
Currently I think it's going terrible, there's low pitched purring and one is always trying to mount the other.
Is there any way I can save this?
Boars can be quite vocal and active whilst they decide who's gonna be in charge! Humping and rumbling are normal dominance behaviours, I'd suggest not separating them unless blood is drawn!

These links should help :)

Illustrated Bonding / Dominance Behaviours And Dynamics

Boars: Bullying, Fighting, Fall-outs And What Next?
Thanks! You won't believe this but I work in a pet shop, but we mainly only ever have females and that's it, so males are all new too Me
Thanks! You won't believe this but I work in a pet shop, but we mainly only ever have females and that's it, so males are all new too Me
I work in one too :D Small world eh ^-^ We only have an Adoption centre in our store though and we usually get boars so we're opposites :)
All the best with your two. I agree that this sounds like normal 'getting to know you and decide who's boss' behaviour. In my experience, and it is ONLY in my experience, teeth chattering and yawning are the signs it's getting serious, but the guidance says that even then you still have a chance.

There is a lot of low purring and jumping around the cage, sometimes getting really jumpy, one always seems to run off and they haven't bitten each other.
just not sure how long I should leave it before seperating. Were on day 3
Hello and welcome.
Unless it escalates to a full on fight I would leave them. With boars you can't stop a bonding once it has started and then separate and then reintroduce. Once you commit to the bonding, you have to see it through until it fails (fight) or succeeds.
Just make sure there is plenty of space, nowhere anyone can get trapped (all hides should have 2 exits) and 2 of everything so nothing to fight over.
The low purring sounds like rumblestrutting (do they walk slowly and move their bums from side to side?) Piggies, especially boars, do this a LOT even outwith bonding, so don't be alarmed by it. It really doesn't sound too bad. My three are always having a nip, squeak, rumblestrut and occasional mounting, and they've been together since birth, and are currently a happily bonded trio. (I'm sure that will change eventually). Stick with it, so long as they're not actually hurting each other. I've experienced a failed bonding, and believe me, you'll know it. They chatterred teeth constantly, yawned a lot - which is showing teeth and very threatening - and then they completely went for each other.

I really hope your boys bond.