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Aug 27, 2014
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Hey everyone,
I have a boy guinea pig who hasn't been with 3 other guys in a long time ( he has been with a girl), when i put them together again they fight, and now the other 3 boys are starting to fight with each other
How do i introduce my guinea pig with the boys again?
how do i stop fighting?
what do i do if they fight? ( last time i stuck my hand in the fight and had to get rushed to the hospital because i almost lost my finger)
Thank you in advance
A) Boar trios and quartets are about as unstable as it can it get.
B) If you are sticking a boar who has been living with a sow with a group of boars, of course he will fight - it is like sticking a secondary school student back with the naughty group at primary school; he will like it even less!
C) You need to always introduce guinea pigs carefully on neutral ground; otherwise the newbie will be treated as an intruder. Guinea pigs live in groups with a firmly established hierarchy. Every time you take piggies out or introduce them, you upset that hierarchy and it has be newly sorted. Guinea pigs have also very firm ideas as to who they get on with and who not. If you simply ignore piggy instincts and mess them around, you will inevitably get fights. You can find plenty of information about behaviour and proper bonding at the top of our behaviour section.
D) Once there have been bloody fights, boars will not go back together; there will be just more fights, with likely bites and abscesses etc. You need an oven glove to separate safely.
E) We do not support intentional breeding; even more so if it is done without any basic knowledge, care or respect of the species whose lives you are putting at risk and are blithely upsetting.
Thanks for your advice! Please stop commenting under all my threads about how you don't support breeding please! because some people do believe in it.
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