Introducing three females to one existing bereaved female


New Born Pup
Jul 11, 2020
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Is there any way this would work? Or would the new females probably not accept/bond with my existing female. I have a 4 year old female. There are very few Guinea pigs for adoption where i live - and even fewer females. But there are suddenly these three for adoption. They are 3 years old and have apparently been together since birth - don’t know if biooogical sisters. I currently just have one 4 year old female who previously lived with one other female (sadly passed away). I have a 2 metre C&C cage. Thanks.
I’m sorry for the loss of your sow.

It comes down to character compatibility so there is no way to know whether they could bond without trying.
Does the place you could adopt them from allow dating? If so then you could take your sow to meet them and see if they get on.

If you adopted then without the ability to date first then you would need to either be able to return the three sows or keep them separate from your current have two cages side by side.

Adding More Guinea Pigs Or Merging Pairs – What Works And What Not?
:agr: Completely. If you could do a date to see if they would get along that’s still no guarantee success but would be a good indication. Would you have a set up big enough for 4 piggies?