Introducing sow to sow group

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Adult Guinea Pig
Apr 10, 2009
Reaction score
Pickering, North Yorkshire
Hi everyone,
I am picking up a 1 year old sow tomorrow and am going to bond her with my other 4. Whats the best way to go about this? Should I do it outside and just put all 5 in the run or inside or one at a time? What should I look out for?
You are best to introduce them in a neutral area so the run is a good idea but make sure its on a fresh patch of lawn. Whenever I have introduced a new sow to a group I have put her in first and then put the group in with her. There may be some chattering between them at first and some mild signs of squabbling but they should soon settle once they've worked out who's boss.
Thanks hun, I have one girl who totally rules the roost here so am expecting that she will try to be dominant straight away. Have just been researching on net for what to look out for and to expect bum waving, pushing with head, some chattering and as long as no blood is drawn then to let them sort things out. Does that sound about right?
Yep that sounds right although I have known a new girl to go straight into the herd without the others even batting an eyelid! The main problem will be if the new girl thinks she is the leader and has a head to head with your dominant sow.

Good Luck with it.
That sounds about right to me. You'll be able to tell the difference between dominant behaviours and aggressive behaviours - some of my pigs go straight for the attack when they see another! Good luck.
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