Introducing “?” (No name yet)

Awe thanks every one, and Betsy’s OH! She is very sweet, gentle about being touched and held. Eowyn is very good to her also. She mounted her once or twice, now they sleep together. I’m happy I got her a new friend to lead. She grooms her too. Wooly is starting to get more curious about us. But it’s hard getting a pic of them sleeping cause whenever I try she does haul butt. 4898EE75-0BEB-40B6-8494-4A276C8A3C98.webpA91FBFD8-D911-49DB-A048-889468A0A11A.webp
Too cute. It hurts!

What a tiny little thing. Can’t wait to see her grow up!
Lol she loves being held now. And eowyn around everywhere in the cage. She hasn’t warmed up to play time yet. She’s a bit maybe nervous or feeling out of her environment when on the floor with eowyn. Thank you so much everyone. It’s going good so far