Introducing New Sow To My 3 Sows

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New Born Pup
Feb 21, 2016
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I have had 3 females for a year. A mother and baby and another adult female. They always get on ok in a run despite the odd mild dispute but I have two hutches, one for mum and baby, (now 7 months) and the other adult has her own hutch. Both hutches are 4ft and they always share a run in the day. I can't mix them in hutches or the adults fight with each other or the adult female will attack the young pig if entering her hutch. (Only tried once).
I've just adopted another female about 7 months so the same age as the youngest of the 3. She has her own cage for obvious reasons. She's not been around other pigs since she was a baby as she was on her own in a very boring lonely horrible hutch with nothing but shavings and dried food! She seems very exited and happy to be around the others. So far they've been in our really big outside run on the grass once and it went ok apart from a bit of dominance behaviour towards her from the youngest pig whos the same age. The two adults who are the most teratorial were ok with her as she's no threat to their position. Today though I tried them in the indoor run. The mother of the youngest who's everyone's boss got very cross chattering her teeth. Then for some season the other adult and the youngest attacked the new pig who's the same as the youngest so I got her out. I was expecting this as the two adults are very dominant and although one is usually the boss, the other sometimes challenges her but all 3 get on ok. The youngest never challenges then but is obviously unhappy about the new young pig. They all get on ok in the run but I was hoping they would accept the new pig. She isn't scared and goes back at them but I don't want her getting hurt because she's quite small. I adopted her because I felt sorry for her she desperately wants to be around them. I was hoping she could share the hutch with the other adult but it's unlikely as she's used to having it to herself. Not sure what to do. Sorry for long post x
I had situation where one pig from each group hated each other.I had to have two separate herds and one if the fighting sows would only accept babies.You can either rehome the new one or get her a friend (which means three hutches).Sometimes they just don't get on.Was there blood drawn?

Sorry you are having issues

Can you just clarify which piggies are in which cage?

From the above I am reading you have a Mother and daughter together and one female in one hutch and one in another. So 3 hutches holding a duo, a single and a single.

I would advise not mixing them all together in the run each time you do this you are upsetting hierarchies and bonds.

I would advise keeping your duo together and let them have run times in separate groups. Try and bond the other adult with your new piggy on neutral territory and she if you can make another duo Illustrated Bonding Behaviours And Dynamics
Hi thanks for the replies. This is correct I have two hutches and one indoor cage. They are all in garage (unused). I could try and bond the other adult with the new young pig but it's unlikely she will be prepared to share her own which means still 3 hutches which is a pain. The three have always enjoyed daily run time together so I'm a bit reluctant to stop this for the other adult as she came with the mother as youngsters before the baby was born and they are friends since babies. Today I put them all in our large outdoor run as it was warmer to observe them. There was a bit of sniffing and the odd jerking away from the new pig or by the new pig but no aggression. The run is very large and I put only open ended tunnels to escape. At one point the two adults were in a box with the new pig and she just sat there wanting to be near them and they just grazed next to her. A lot of the time they didn't take much notice of her. Assuming this is good sign letting her be so close unless this is ignoring her? She's never been around pigs but seems to be happiest when around them. The other youngster had calmed down a bit too. My issue is having indoor run space that's large enough for all 4 and if the mother the boss of them all isn't happy then they all know it! I also need to get the other adult to share her hutch with the new youngster as I just don't have the room for all these hutches. I can't take another pig but I don't want to rehone her as she's had an awful life. My pigs are spoilt in every way. She seems so happy after being isolated with no hideys toys or a run and I'd worry she wouldn't get the same. She's lovely too ginger with red eyes and so cute and she was withdrawn before but has come out of her shell and is loving life I will read the above but any tips on getting a pig to share her hutch would be great x
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