With my two, Treacle makes the most noise, fudge just stands his ground. It is funny to watch them, but, if it starts to get nasty, I have a way of splitting the cage, and have spare cage.
I kept girls in a 12 x 6 ft run outside, it had a solid roof and you could stand up in it. I had up to 10 in there, new ones just got 'thrown' in, not literally, but there was so much room, and so many hides they sorted them selves out. We never had any problems with fighting. I kept at least 10, replacing with ones for youngsters for 25 years, most lived to be 7 years old, they were out in all weathers, but well protected and well fed.
The run is now leaking and needs demolishing, the last girl In There died in March. I have set up again, 2 boys inside. I am getting older, and dark cold nights checking piggies are in the past.