Introducing New Pigs

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New Born Pup
Oct 27, 2016
Reaction score
I have one male pig, he is not quite a year yet and I was woundering if I should get him a buddy. Before I start looking what should I look for? A baby? Boy? Girl? Something his age? He has a large enough cage for two. I did plan on having two but then he got sick... he is over it know, but is it still a good idea?
Unless he is a neutered boar you would need to get another male. Adding a female to an in tact male will result in babies which is not advised.
I just wanted to add that it is fantastic you are thinking of getting your boy a friend. They really are so much happier in a well matched pair.
Hopefully you live near a rescue that can help match you with the perfect companion.
Hi Welcome to the forum

Could we ask your location, rescues in the UK often do piggy dating so that is an option, otherwise a younger boar may also be a good choice.

Here are some threads on introductions etc...
Introducing And Re-introducing Guinea Pigs
Illustrated Bonding Behaviours And Dynamics

Hope that helps

Thanks so much for the help, I am interested in trying to pigging dating. Seeing if that works, if not then another younger male. Again thanks for the help
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