Introducing New Pigs

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New Born Pup
Oct 27, 2016
Reaction score
I have one male pig, he is not quite a year yet and I was woundering if I should get him a buddy. Before I start looking what should I look for? A baby? Boy? Girl? Something his age? He has a large enough cage for two. I did plan on having two but then he got sick... he is over it now , but is it still a good idea?
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I have one male pig, he is not quite a year yet and I was woundering if I should get him a buddy. Before I start looking what should I look for? A baby? Boy? Girl? Something his age? He has a large enough cage for two. I did plan on having two but then he got sick... he is over it now , but is it still a good idea?

Hi and welcome!

If at all possible, please consider dating your boy at a good rescue that offers this service, so he can make his own choice as to who he likes. This maximes your chances of a good pairing and stable relationship. Age is of far less concern than character compatibility and mutual liking. When you using one of our recommended rescues, you can also have the guarantee that any guinea pig is properly sexed and healthy/quarantined and that you have the support of the rescue during the whole lifetime of their adopted piggies, not just during the settling in period.

Could you please add your country, state/province or UK county, so we can give you recommendations? We have got members from all over the world. Your options very much depend on what you have available locally. Please click on your username on the top, then go to personal details and scroll down to location. Thank you!

Ideally, you go for same sex pairs. You can keep cross gender pairs only if one of them is neutered since you will be swimming in babies otherwise and you'd have to keep the parents separate all the time - which cannot be your intention. Guinea pigs are literally nonstop breeding machines. Sows come into season again within hours of giving birth, and babies can start procreating literally as soon as they are weaned; boars from 3 weeks onwards and sows from 4 weeks onwards for the rest of their whole lives. :(

Boars, sows or mixed pairs; babies or adults?
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