introducing new piggies?

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hi all, i am thinking of adding to my piggies.
i am new to having them and will wait until i have more experience, but i was wondering how you go about introducing a new pig to ones you already have?
my 2 are mother and daughter so are close, would it be ok to introduce a new one?
My (albeit limited) experience of 3 sows is that two will bully the other one. If you're going to introduce any more, make it two or more.

You'll need to do it on neutral territory and watch them to break-up any fights. Bathing them all together or taking them on a car journey in a box together might help them bond. You'll need to make sure that any hidey places you have in your hutch have more than one exit; that way the dominant sow can't corner the submissive one and inflict injury. Read the sticky on what's normal and what's bullying behaviour.

Make sure you have a big enough hutch. The following link may help:

I'm sure other forum members will be able to tell you more.
Sows generally bond better than boars but not always. I had a trio of pigs (neutered boar, 2 sows) & one always got left out which is why i intended to add a 4th, which turned into adding a 5th & 6th too :))

Trios can work but because your girls are so closely bonded they may not take to another sow, you could take them along to your local rescue to see how they act with another or if you have the room/finances for more you could add a pair & if it didn't work you'd have 2 separate pairs, not that i am encouraging you to take on more piggies :))
I had two sisters and then added a third, but I took my time intoducing them on neutral ground namely the large walk in shower (towels on the floor) for short periods, over time they acclimated, there was posturing at first but nothing serious. Finally I put them in the same cage which I'd throughly cleaned with new bedding etc and made sure there were enough food bowls, hay racks etc for everyone and eventually they were great mates but it could have gone the other way if it had I would have just got a chum for the newbie
My guinea pig retured from an operation but her sisters did not remember her so it was really like they never knew each other. We bonded a very domiant sow and her two sisters back together. There was quite a large amount of lunges and once the dominat sow attacked her sister. We tried one moor time in completly neutral territory and it was very noisy so I think they realised they had to work together. If I were you I would give it a go and see if they seem to get on. But remember do not give up to early as it took us three days to bond them. Stop when blood is drawn, but it really depends on the personality of the guinea pigs to see if they will bond. Remember if it seems like to are ganging up on one, it is not always the case. In the end they will sort out their ranks as mine did, my three get on fine now, with a boss and two others.
hi all, i am thinking of adding to my piggies.
i am new to having them and will wait until i have more experience, but i was wondering how you go about introducing a new pig to ones you already have?
my 2 are mother and daughter so are close, would it be ok to introduce a new one?

I faced this problem very recently and got some excellent advice from Wiebke amongst others. Wiebke has now put a post about this on the sticky Sow Behaviour at the top of this forum. I'm sure it will tell you all need to know. :)
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It might be worth considering introducing a neutered boar to your couple of sows.

That way, you do not interfere with the existing hierarchy and mimic the piggy society where a core of sows will live with one top boar, while bachelors are hanging around the group waiting for their chance. And you will be making an otherwise lonely boar very happy indeed!

A boar has to stay in favour with all the top girls, so he acts as social glue and peace keeper. I found it a lot easier to add to my group by having Llewelyn, who is doing such a brilliant job as integrator! The good thing is that you needn't worry about any age difference, either, or about one sow being an outsider.

Here is the link with tips for the actual introductions:
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