Introducing New Guinea Pigs?


New Born Pup
Mar 17, 2022
Reaction score
St. Petersburg
I just adopted two new guinea pigs the other day. I've already had two guinea pigs at home who I want to introduce to them. However, I want it to go well. I've had many guineas before but I've always gotten them at the same time so I've never had to do this before. Is there any helpful information, videos, advice, etc (literally anything) that anyone could give me?

Also, how long should I quarantine the new pigs before I introduce them together?
I just adopted two new guinea pigs the other day. I've already had two guinea pigs at home who I want to introduce to them. However, I want it to go well. I've had many guineas before but I've always gotten them at the same time so I've never had to do this before. Is there any helpful information, videos, advice, etc (literally anything) that anyone could give me?

Also, how long should I quarantine the new pigs before I introduce them together?


What genders and ages are your guinea pigs?

If you have boars, then please don't bond. Boar quartets are the most instable of all boar bonds. They are better left in pairs.

The quarantine period in another room should be 2-3 weeks. This link includes a chapter on quarantining.
Piggies under 4 months are better off being bonded straight away (especially singles) because they are desperate for company and guidance from elders.
New Guinea Pig Problems: Sexing & Pregnancy; URI, Ringworm & Parasites; Vet Checks & Customer Rights

We have got lots of practical and helpful how-to advice and in-depth information via this link here, including information on quarantining and a detailed bonding guide, which takes you through all stages of the complex at least two weeks process with the group establishment phase following the introduction; plus the run-up to a bonding, including the run-up, specific behaviours and dynakics for each stage, special considerations for boars, sows, groups and baby bondings plus information on the post-intro ca. 2 weeks dominance phase. I would recommend to read and the re-read along as you go through the bonding process. The guide continues pictures and videos.
Bonding and Interaction: Illustrated social behaviours and bonding dynamics
A - Z of Guinea Pig Behaviours

A Comprehensive Guide to Guinea Pig Boars
Sows: Behaviour and female health problems (including ovarian cysts)

You may want to bookmark the access link; all the above guides and many more can be found in there: Comprehensive Owners' Practical and Supportive Information Collection

I hope that this helps you. We cannot type out all the little practical details in every single post, seeing that we all do this for free in our own free time. For this purpose we have our guide links where you can find all the little details and practical tips. Over 15 years of forum experience with tens of thousands of questions and up to half a century of owner experience have gone into our guides.