We recently got a neutered boar from a rescue with the intention of introducing him to our two bonded females. After waiting six weeks after the neutering op, we introduced the 3 of them last night in our kitchen (neutral area) with two piles of hay and food.
At first they seemed to be happily eating the food together and after about 20 mins, the dominance began. Our girl, Larry - she's a big gal
- has always been the dominant one of the pair, and she immediately showed dominant behaviours towards our newbie boy, Red. There was rumble strutting, teeth chattering and a bit of lunging / chasing, but no blood was drawn. This continued for a bit, and Red seemed to get very distressed - staying in one corner and chattering his teeth very loudly when either of the other pigs approached him. Our other girl, Tuppy, is very submissive and friendly and she was trying to get to know Red without showing any dominant behaviours. I think this calmed him down a bit but things between Larry and Red continued to be quite tense.
After 4 hours of watching them and a few naps, I decided to put them in their newly extended and cleaned cage. Things all kicked off again with all three of them chattering and chasing. I stayed the night with them to make sure no serious fights broke out.
Now it is the next day and things haven't really settled down. Larry is showing very dominant behaviour to everyone (quiet teeth chattering, puffing out and occasional chasing and nipping). Tuppy is occasionally on the receiving end of this even though she is happily submissive, she does get a bit annoyed and quietly teeth chatters. I am most worried about Red, who appears to be very on edge - staying in one place and getting very nervous when anyone approaches - he chatters his teeth very loudly but I think it is because he is scared. This riles Larry up and there have been a few stand offs which end in Red getting chased a bit and occasionally nipped.
Things don't seem to be calming down and it has been a few hours again. Red is constantly chattering very loudly whenever approached. The only positive sign I've seen is Larry and Red washing near each other (cautiously) and lying down near each other (cautiously). But then Red will start teeth chattering again : (
Is this bonding not going very well? I don't want to separate them as I don't want to ruin their chance for bonding but I don't know if this is normal behaviour and whether they will eventually work it out, or whether this just isn't going to happen. Any advice would be really appreciated, I feel absolutely terrible watching them!
We recently got a neutered boar from a rescue with the intention of introducing him to our two bonded females. After waiting six weeks after the neutering op, we introduced the 3 of them last night in our kitchen (neutral area) with two piles of hay and food.
At first they seemed to be happily eating the food together and after about 20 mins, the dominance began. Our girl, Larry - she's a big gal

After 4 hours of watching them and a few naps, I decided to put them in their newly extended and cleaned cage. Things all kicked off again with all three of them chattering and chasing. I stayed the night with them to make sure no serious fights broke out.
Now it is the next day and things haven't really settled down. Larry is showing very dominant behaviour to everyone (quiet teeth chattering, puffing out and occasional chasing and nipping). Tuppy is occasionally on the receiving end of this even though she is happily submissive, she does get a bit annoyed and quietly teeth chatters. I am most worried about Red, who appears to be very on edge - staying in one place and getting very nervous when anyone approaches - he chatters his teeth very loudly but I think it is because he is scared. This riles Larry up and there have been a few stand offs which end in Red getting chased a bit and occasionally nipped.
Things don't seem to be calming down and it has been a few hours again. Red is constantly chattering very loudly whenever approached. The only positive sign I've seen is Larry and Red washing near each other (cautiously) and lying down near each other (cautiously). But then Red will start teeth chattering again : (
Is this bonding not going very well? I don't want to separate them as I don't want to ruin their chance for bonding but I don't know if this is normal behaviour and whether they will eventually work it out, or whether this just isn't going to happen. Any advice would be really appreciated, I feel absolutely terrible watching them!