Introducing Louis and Ordell!

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Jun 26, 2006
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Birmingham, UK
So some of you have probably seen my thread about having taken on licey boys-this is their introduction! :)

ever since losing Bill near the start of the year me and my fiance had been missing having pigs around-we never knew how much we would miss the pigs until it happened but the house was just too quiet without them. a few months back i was at a rescue finding a friend for one of my bunnies and asked if they ever got guinea pigs in to which i was told they occasionally did and would keep me in mind if they ever knew of any that needed rehoming. we wernt in too much of a rush for new piggies anyway so this was fine with us. about a month back we thought we might be moving house so i contacted Kate(Starshine) to let her know that i might be pestering her for some piggies soon lol well instead of waiting for this to happen these two inconviently came along!hehe :D :smitten:

i was emailed by the rescue last week and told of a lady in my area that needed to rehome her two 18 month old male piggies. this is all i was told and its all we needed to know because we felt ready to offer them a home and so said yes! the lady brought them over last night and well, the rest you know!

they already had names but we like to try and rename all our rescues to give them a complete fresh start(unless of course they are used to their names or in my bunny Stumpys case the name just really suits them! haha) so to keep with the Quentin Tarantino theme we started with Bill and Budd(from Kill Bill of course!), we have decided to name these pair Louis and Ordell(from Jackie Brown) which we think really suits them :) I'm not 100% sure about what they are so if anyone can tell me id appreciate it! I'm thinking Ordell is a rex and Louis a crested but I'm not very good at this lol

they are not the best piccies as they are still a little nervous but were a bit more friendly at veggie time just so thought id get a couple of quick piccies of them-will get better ones next week!

First off this is the handsome Louis:



and the crazy haired Ordell!



both together munching on their veg:


Hope you like them! :) :smitten:

oh and you cant see it in the piccies but Ordell has a slash of orange colour on his other side-will try and get a piccie of it!
gorgeous piggies Ordel almost looks rex like but I am rubbish at breeds so I will leave that to some one more qualified ;D

:smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
They are gorgeous! They both look like dollymixes as karen puts it ;D ;D
I agree, except I think louis is called a broken agouti ? :-\ Ordell is def a rex x ? (dollymix) ;D
thankyou for all the replies, they really are super cute but still quite nervous bless them.

dollymix? do you mean like the sweets because of the colour of their fur or am i totally off with that guess? :embarassed: LOL

I'm pretty sure Ordell is a rex you just cant see it too well in that piccie. his hair is very wirey and quite wild! so would Louis be a crested then or did i get that wrong?

will definately get some better piccies next week when i go to bath them.
Ryo_the_Rat said:
thankyou for all the replies, they really are super cute but still quite nervous bless them.

dollymix? do you mean like the sweets because of the colour of their fur or am i totally off with that guess? :embarassed: LOL

I'm pretty sure Ordell is a rex you just cant see it too well in that piccie. his hair is very wirey and quite wild! so would Louis be a crested then or did i get that wrong?

will definately get some better piccies next week when i go to bath them.

Dolly Mix means a bit of this & a bit of that  ;D   It's Karen's lovely way to describe mixed breed piggies. :)
I'd agree with you on Louis being a crested O0

They are both beautiful boys :smitten: :smitten:
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