Introducing Laptime/cuddles

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Junior Guinea Pig
Sep 11, 2014
Reaction score
Hi everyone!

Long time lurker who has just got herself 2 beautiful guinea pigs recently :) I'm in love already

I've read all the threads in settling in/handling but i still have a few questions.

My boys live outside, when i start introducing laptime/cuddles, is it best to bring one in at a time? (i plan to do cuddles indoors at night when my kids are in bed - want the guinea pigs to get confortable with me first) Or should i bring them both in and do cuddles together?

Also (sorry!) I plan on getting them into a tube/snuggle thing to carry them inside, how do i get them out when we sit down? Do i just leave them in them until they're ready to come out themselves?

Is there another (better) way to do this? Feel like i'm overthinking it

Any advice would be appreciated!xx
I'm in the same boat as you with my 3 girls! I being them all in together and have 2 on my lap and 1 in my arms then rotate so they all get their own cuddle time. I find they're more relaxed and reassured if they've got each other: when one starts eating the veggies I put out for them, they all do! I tried tempting them out of their tunnel with a treat, but they just grab it and go back in, so I just gently scoop them out. What are your new piggies' names?
I like to do a bit of both! They may feel more secure together at first, but I think it's nice to give them one-to-one time as well. We have sisters, who when they were young were happier together, they would squeak if I held just one! We have some more sisters now who aren't bothered at all! So see how it goes!

As far as the tunnel goes, I would see if they will come out on their own, but they might need some encouraging!
Thanks for your replys :)

I'm a bit nervous about taking both of them out in case one escapes or jumps.

Hattie, they're currently nameless! Trying to negotate names with the kids, don't want anything too weird and wonderful (which all their suggestions have been!) We only got them yesterday, I've just been calling them 'The Wiggys'.x
Thanks for your replys :)

I'm a bit nervous about taking both of them out in case one escapes or jumps.

Hattie, they're currently nameless! Trying to negotate names with the kids, don't want anything too weird and wonderful (which all their suggestions have been!) We only got them yesterday, I've just been calling them 'The Wiggys'.x

if you need any help, naming pets is one of my favourite parts of getting them! strange, i know!:roll: anyway, yay for new piggies!
oh and about the escape/jump: i put a little fleecy snuggle sack in the cage-they all scoot in, and then i can pick them up without them escaping or jumping. I have lap time in the TV room where I can close the door and keep the dog out for these first few weeks until they're tame enough to not make a run for it, so at least if they were to jump they're in an enclosed space.
Great, thanks for all the advice. I'm going to give it a go tomorrow once I make a snuggle for them to hop into. Managed to hand feed them some bell pepper today, one was more keen than the other but both still took the food from me :)

They've been named Anxious (after the Haven character, but I'm hoping to shorten it down to Annie despite him being a boy) and Perry.

Feeling much calmer about it all now I've had some tips! Thanks again
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