Introducing boars

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Junior Guinea Pig
Apr 29, 2012
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I have a 4 month old boar who I have had since he was 8 weeks old. I got him as a pair but sadly his brother passed away at 11 weeks old. I got a boar who is around 2 years old last week they have been in their own cages next to each other so they could get to know each other. I have had them in a pen in the kitchen for the past hour or so and they seem to be getting on. They have been mounting and chasing each other around the pen mot of the time. What I was wondering will they calm down and not be so randy all the time.
Eventually I would like them both in the same cage. Should I keep getting them out in the pen everyday or should I just put them in the cage together and see?
I am nervous to leave them on their own just in case they fight.
So far so good! I think it's great that they've been living side by side too. If they out on neutral territory and they're getting on well (mounting, chasing, rumbling all completely normal) then I would try them in the cage (nerve wracking I know!) because the thing is with boars everytime you bring them together they need to re establish who's boss, as they're territorial and need the heirachy. So great as it is that they're ok so far, each time you part them and bring them back again, your going back to square one in theory. When I bonded my boars I left them in a pen on the living room floor for most if the afternoon then as they seemed ok I put them in their cage. Ensure it's neutral, all cleaned out top to bottom, no smells etc. you'll probably get some chasing again then fingers crossed if they've been fine otherwise it should be ok. Only seperate of there's blood shed. Good luck!
So far so good! I think it's great that they've been living side by side too. If they out on neutral territory and they're getting on well (mounting, chasing, rumbling all completely normal) then I would try them in the cage (nerve wracking I know!) because the thing is with boars everytime you bring them together they need to re establish who's boss, as they're territorial and need the heirachy. So great as it is that they're ok so far, each time you part them and bring them back again, your going back to square one in theory. When I bonded my boars I left them in a pen on the living room floor for most if the afternoon then as they seemed ok I put them in their cage. Ensure it's neutral, all cleaned out top to bottom, no smells etc. you'll probably get some chasing again then fingers crossed if they've been fine otherwise it should be ok. Only seperate of there's blood shed. Good luck!

Yeah they have been doing all that and seemed to calm down a little n had a wee snuggle. Their cages are due to be cleaned on Sunday so I will give the cage they will be living in an extra good clean and have them in the pen for a few hour and then put them in the cage. I will let you know how they get on in the cage.
I decided to wait until Alfie's medicine was finished before I introduced them and put them in the same cage. I put them in the pen in the kitchen (I was going to put them outside but sadly it is pouring down). There was some rumbling and some mounting and lots of eating as I had put food in for them. I gave the cage an extra good clean and left them in the run for a couple of hours. I have just put them in the cage`and they have been investigating all the toys and chews and eating their hay.
I am so relived that they are getting on well. When I get payed at the end of the month I am going to buy a 2 storied hutch for them and a run and get them into that and if the weather gets better hopefully outside for the "summer".
Here are some photos of my boys together in their cage.

Alfie is the Black and white one, Boogie is ginger and white

Pst I want to tell you something.

Alfie having some hay

Gorgeous boys! And absolutely wonderful piccies. You've caught them in some adorable moments.

The difference in ages may help with the bonding. Only your baby will go through those horrible teenage months. This certainly worked for my pair. I put a teenager with a baby. By the time the baby was a teenager, the former teenager was an adult.
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