introducing boars HELP

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Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 18, 2013
Reaction score
Sheffield, UK

I have 2 year old boys who have lived together since birth (according to the lady who rescued them), after lots of reading and research I have rescued another younger pair of boars.

I followed all the advice and intro'd them in a neutral space with plenty of food and hay was like a piggy heaven in there and I rubbed the babies down with a towel I use when cuddling the big boys so they'd have the same scent......1 baby and the 2 big pigs got on fine snuggled up straight away....however the other baby immediately started displaying all signs of dominance.

It seems that one baby and one big pig are wanting to be top pig, I left it as long as I could until I started seeing the "yawning" display and then attempted biting. I am going to try a bonding bath tomorrow but I just wondered if anyone had any advice on how and if its possible to get these boys to play nice.

I do have a 2nd large cage with a big run if not so no one will be hard done to but ideally id like them to all be friends :D
Hi, are you trying to bond all 4 boars together? Sadley it is very unlikely this will work as boars do not usually get along in groups like sows. By trying you are also risking breaking the bonds the pairs already have with each other. I would suggest keeping them as 2 seperate pairs.
we had tried as a three and a 4. My friend has successfully added bores to her tribe of other boars tho I'm guessing she just got lucky. We had contemplated just getting a single male but when I saw these 2 little sad piggies needing a home i couldn't do otherwise so brought them home. Thanks for the advice, Ill just keep in their pairs n put cages near each other so they can talk n what not without the fighting x
Groups of boars can work BUT they have to have lots of space and it is very rare.

I agree with Pound Shilling & Pig. It is best to leave them as two pairs otherwise you run the risk of having four single boys who will not get on.
I agree too, not worth the risk of them having an all out scrap - that could result in vets trips. 2 pairs will be less stressful and more workable!
I have sows but have 4 together and 2 together Was going to put all 6 together but decided that as 2 of,the four are only 4 months and the newbies 6 months not to risk the foirs bonding by introducing the two.I would keep your two pairs seperate instead of risking 4 singles
the most we ever had together was a group of 6 boars. however it did only work wilst they were young as they turned into adults they began to bicker and we had 3 pairs. Dont get too disheartened unfortunately if they dont like each other theres not much you can do. a pair works really well and is amusing to watch them play
Thanks so much for all the advice.....I think I'm gonna keep the existing pairs as they are but just have them in separate cages near each other so they can chat. My big boys already had a crappy start in life (they were rescue piggies and spent 6 months in rescue centre) so i think its only fair that they stay happy (and spoilt) as they are. they best get used to all the "talking" as my big boys are relatively quiet piggies whereas these new boys never shut up......I have been awake all night as I could hear them downstairs chatting at each other!

Thanks again for all the advice
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