Introducing Baby Boy to 4 month old Boar?

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Jan 17, 2010
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Cumbria, England
Hi. :)p

I have not been on for a good while but i have recently adopted a 4 month old boy piggy called Huxley x)

I lost my last boar whilst under anaesthetic while he was getting castrated so i could get a girlfriend for him. Whilst i realise i was very unlucky and although it is a risk it has put me off getting Huxley done so i can get him a chum. :...

After speaking to a few Pig Savvy people at the rescue place, going online 8:) and my vet, it would seem the best idea (because he is young still) to get a 6-8 week old baby boar and introduce them on neutral turf. The main factors seem to be to make sure the cage is huge and let there be a couple of igloo's and huts in there as well as food bowls and water bottles and see how it goes......?/

The rescue have agreed to help with the intros as they have a few boys ready in about 3 weeks time.

What's the general view about this from you guys?
I would greatly apprieate your knowledge and experience i this matter :)

Many thanks

Sally & Huxley ")
Hi I got a year old boar that needed rehoming and recently bought a baby boar as a friend for him, they havnt been put together yet as the new addition is sick and its contagious to other guinea's :( This is what I plan to do and what people have told me about introducing them.

Some recomend to give them both baths to get ready of their scents, although I wouldnt do this for a young piggy.

Lots of people told me to introduce them as you said on neutral turf, such as setting up an indoor run so they can bond whilst you can keep an eye on them. Only seperate when fighting gets too risky and possibly causes blood to be drawn. They may seem like their fighting but its most likely to be due to dominance.

Never seperate unless you have to as every time you seperate them you will have to start introducing them to each other over again and this could be stressful for them.

Completely clean and disinfect the hutch/cage and any toys that are in there to get rid of your boars scent.

Hope this helps, this is pretty much all I know about introducing them so hopefully more experienced people will be here soon.
It should be OK, especially if the rescue allows you to bring Huxley and let him choose his own new friend. As both of them are mostly pre-hormonal, there is of course still a certain risk of potential fall outs later on when both have a flare up or dominance dispute at the same time, which can happen despite the best of care. However, you are making all the right moves!

PS: I am so sorry about your boy; having just lost a girl in an eye op myself before Christmas I know how hard it is to live with.
Thanks guys ;)

I just can't bear the thought of losing Huxley to a 'needless' op if i can get him a pal instead of a wife! :))

Still a few weeks until the babies are ready so i will keep you all posted as to what happens.

Thanks again

Sally & Huxley :)
When I got my year old boar someone said to me about getting him done but I dont think its necessary and every op has its risks so its just better not too. Also the baby boar will look to your older one as a father figure.

You can always get him the op and a wife later on if he doesn't get along with the boar but I dont think you should have a problem :)

Make sure you have a way of seperating them if you have to.
Have you considered an older boar? as your boy is only 4months (16wks) old he'd just be coming in the 'teenage' stage and a young 6-8wk old boar wouldn't too far behind to join him through the 'hormonal' months.

As stated some rescues offer a boar dating service so your baby boy can choose an older cagemate to live with - you'd also be less likely to have any problems down the line if done this way as the rescue will make sure they are firm friends.. ;)
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