introducing another boar?

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May 2, 2008
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I a reading around the subject, but i have just taken on a lone boar (so I'm told, def going to triple check!) but its now a year old and has always lived alone and outside.
What are the chances of him accepting a friend? Ive only really had gerbils before, who are troublesome when trying to introduce another.
Is it the same situation?
Where are you based? Your best chance is to take him dating so that he can choose own friend - this works best so that they have the best chance of staying friends. A rescue is the best place to start - we can tell you who's close by if you like (UK).
Should've said sorry!
I'm South East Northumberland, so Newcastle up to Morpeth area are accessible
Try North East Guinea pig Rescue... They have a website and might be able to help with dating. Or visit the PiggyBanks on facebook where there is a list of reccommended rescues many of whom will help your piggy find a new playmate that he gets on with and provide ongoing advice and support.
The best way to find a character compatible friend is by "boar dating" under expert supervision at a good rescue that offers this service. It makes for a much more stable bond.

The closest rescue to you from our list of recommendable rescues is North East Rescue in South Shields, which has an excellent reputation; several forum members have rehomed from there:

PS: Would you please add your location (Country/county) to make it easer for us to give you the apprpriate advice and link straight away. You can do so in User CP/edit profile/location. We have members from all over the world and our advice will differ accordingly.
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