Little Ones
Forum Donator 2023/24
My friend and her family carelessly bought two Guinea pigs about 9 months ago, they were kept in a small cage in poor conditions and they were never handled or cared for, she even tried to sell them at some point because they were noisy and it annoyed her that the fought sometimes, anyway after 6 months, one of them died (baring in mind they were only babies) because he was ill and they didn't want to spend money to take him to the vets. Anyway, two months ago I encouraged her to get another friend for Jerry (the remaining pig) as he would get lonely especially during bereavement, she didn't. I was thinking about asking her how Jerry is doing and mentioning that if ever she didn't want him, I would take him off of her hands. My mum isn't happy about getting another pig but she will allow me to take on Jerry because of the circumstances. I have a 2x4 two storey cage with a 1x2 loft, I can't expand my cage any further, my boys have been together for two years, I wouldn't say they're well bonded but they are a little I guess apart from last week they began fighting almost constantly but I think they're settling back down. I don't want to disturb the bond which my two boys have and I also don't want to have to expand my cage more for three of them to get along because I just can't do that however I have been worrying about her Guinea pig and I can't help but feel so sorry for the poor thing. I can't get another boar as well as take Jerry then buy a second cage either.