Introducing A New Piggy

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Big G

Junior Guinea Pig
Jul 12, 2015
Reaction score
Hi there

It's been ages since i've been on here.....
Anyway, as you'll see from my new avatar, we've now bitten the bullet and got ourselves a new wee piggy. He's a wee cracker and we've called him Ernie.

I have two separate cages for them, with a new double decker one being ordered shortly.
We did our first bonding session this morning and we think it went really well.

We placed them both on an old quilt and just let them get to know one another etc.
The older piggy (Buddy) was purring and squeeking quite a lot and the little one was squeeking a wee bit.
The only panic moment we had was when Buddy actually sat right on top of Ernie (2 or 3 times) whilst was purring loudly.
I was crossing everything that he wouldnt bite the wee thing but he didnt.! Phew.!

I was also a bit worried that Ernie might get squashed but he seems fine with it all.
So, they had a good half hour bonding and are now back in their own cages. (with Buddy now squeeking like mad as if hes looking for his friend etc)

Any advice from you guys would be greatly appreciated.........
Please tell me that we're doing the right thing and that all the behaviour that we saw this morning is perfectly normal.

Big G
Just a quick update.
They're both still in their separate cages for the time being. However, the older piggy knows that the other one is there and is squeeking quite a bit.!
It's as if he's missing his new friend etc.!

Any advice would be great.
I wouldn't bond them until you have the proper main cage, it's pointless to bond them then separate.
Hi Scott

Thanks for the reply.
The new cage shouldnt be too much longer, but i think i'll wait for the 2 week quarantine to finish then start bonding them every day for a wee while per day etc.
@Wiebke should be able to help you, on our mobile so can't post links, but with boar bonding you can't stop as you need to start from scratch

Lisa & Ali
I understand, It's up to you, but they don't have any sense of time, or remember you bonding them for a little bit. So if you keep intro them then splitting them up your just doing it for yourself and minimizing a possible success rate. I get that it's for all good intentions, but they need to be introed as if it's a life sentence. Sows are more forgiving, but boars are already going to be dominate from the start. I would say to use the two weeks instead for bonding between you and each pig, esp with the baby. Then you could have them focus on one another next with the cage.
Hi there

It's been ages since i've been on here.....
Anyway, as you'll see from my new avatar, we've now bitten the bullet and got ourselves a new wee piggy. He's a wee cracker and we've called him Ernie.

I have two separate cages for them, with a new double decker one being ordered shortly.
We did our first bonding session this morning and we think it went really well.

We placed them both on an old quilt and just let them get to know one another etc.
The older piggy (Buddy) was purring and squeeking quite a lot and the little one was squeeking a wee bit.
The only panic moment we had was when Buddy actually sat right on top of Ernie (2 or 3 times) whilst was purring loudly.
I was crossing everything that he wouldnt bite the wee thing but he didnt.! Phew.!

I was also a bit worried that Ernie might get squashed but he seems fine with it all.
So, they had a good half hour bonding and are now back in their own cages. (with Buddy now squeeking like mad as if hes looking for his friend etc)

Any advice from you guys would be greatly appreciated.........
Please tell me that we're doing the right thing and that all the behaviour that we saw this morning is perfectly normal.

Big G

Hi! Please be aware that you can't do tester bondings with boars. Next time they meet, you need to commit and let them get on with it; boars always have to start back right in square one with the bonding ritual every time you separate, which can get very frustrating and counterproductive.

Boars don't bite babies or injure them; the worst that happens is that they go into humping overdrive. Make sure that you introduce on neutral ground and have a small tunnel or cardboard box with two opposing doors that only the baby can get into if it gets too much.
Here are our bonding tips. Please read them carefully.
Introducing And Re-introducing Guinea Pigs
Illustrated Bonding Behaviours And Dynamics
Dominance Behaviours In Guinea Pigs
Hi Lisaali, Scott and Wiebke

Many thanks for the messages..
I'll make sure and read all of those linkes Wiebke once we're approaching the end of the quarantine period.

Also, we'll concentrate on us bonding with the new piggy in the mean time.
Thanks again, much appreciated.

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