Introducing A New Guinea That Was Bought From The Same Place

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New Born Pup
Aug 12, 2015
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First I want to say I am a first time guinea pig owner and I bought my guinea pig from a pet store not knowing other options. The reason I am saying this is because I know people have a strong opinions on buying pig from stores.

Anyways, I got Napoleon about a month ago and when I was at the pet store I had trouble picking between him and another guinea pig. After going to the store a few times I noticed the other guinea pig was still there. And today I just couldn't leave without him. So now I have 2 male guinea pigs. I know about quarantining the new pig for at least 2 weeks but my question is- will they remember each other from sharing the same space in the store or will introducing them be like introducing any other male pigs?
First I want to say I am a first time guinea pig owner and I bought my guinea pig from a pet store not knowing other options. The reason I am saying this is because I know people have a strong opinions on buying pig from stores.

Anyways, I got Napoleon about a month ago and when I was at the pet store I had trouble picking between him and another guinea pig. After going to the store a few times I noticed the other guinea pig was still there. And today I just couldn't leave without him. So now I have 2 male guinea pigs. I know about quarantining the new pig for at least 2 weeks but my question is- will they remember each other from sharing the same space in the store or will introducing them be like introducing any other male pigs?

Hi and welcome!

It is great that you have got company for Napoleon. He will be a lot happier!

While they will remember each other, you still need to do a full intro as it is in different territory, which requires a new hierarchy sort-out even for an established pair; they need now to create their own mini-group.
Please do so on neutral ground. As they are both still not yet teenagers, things should hopefully not be too bad. Please make sure that the cage is completely cleaned and re-arranged and that you haven't got any hideys with just one exit until things have settled down some days down the line. You do not need to quaratine, but be prepared to treat both if one of them comes down with an issue. Young guinea pigs have not yet got a fully developed robust immune system when they are being transported to the shop and then sold into a completely different environment again, so they are more likely to come down with opportunistic issues in the first few weeks.
Here are more tips and information:
Introducing And Re-introducing Guinea Pigs
Dominance Behaviours In Guinea Pigs
Boars: A guide to successful companionship.

You can find a lot of information at the top of our various Care sections, but you are always welcome to ask any questions in there.
Here is our newbie information bundle, which includes the most often asked for threads and should help you to get a good start into piggy ownership: " Starter Kit" Of Information Threads For New Owners

As we have members from all over the world, you can help us a lot by adding your country, state/province or UK county to your details, so we always can tailor any advice and recommendations to what is available and possible where you are straight away. As you can imagine, climate, brands, rescue and medical access can differ quite a bit!
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Hello and welcome to the forum! Good luck with the introductions!
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